Thursday, March 7, 2013

Mother nature slightly confused.

It's march and in a little while we will be turning our clocks back, ready for the shorter days and cooler weather.
Except someone forgot to tell mother nature this. Our trees have not started to turn, and we are in the middle of the longest number of days over 30 degrees celsius!
(86) in Fahrenheit
It's so dry the grass crinkles as you walk on it, and we are all over this heat.
It's not looking good, with El NiƱo back.
Looks like we are back in drought and water is going to get very expensive.
Good thing we have our huge water tanks we will be able to grow food and keep the place looking green.
I hope your all having enough rain, where you are.
See ya


  1. And on the opposite side of the world Mother Nature seems to have forgotten to begin the change. I woke up today again in a freezing appartment. Outside, everything looks grey and it has been raining..again!

  2. I believe too that in the Equinox a wiccaning would be beautiful.. Thank you for complimenting my cake! Iate a lot of it!
