As you know we didn't have much of a garden in the summer, I just didn't have the energy to start one or even maintain it through the extreme heat. So we decided to try for a winter one.
Again due to an accident I found my self lacking in the extra spoons required to get one started.
But wonderful hubby got the bug today and he weeded, planted and mulched.
We got the seedlings from bunnings again I know cheating. But we now have broccoli coliflower cabbage onions beet roots and spinach planted.
I didn't check the moon, I figured when the inspiration stikes him let him go!
In the second pic the chickens are loving the weeds from the garden.
I'll make sure they get water when they need it but we have rain forecast for the nest few days so hopefully we get enough.
What have you got growing in your garden?
See ya
Thats awesome, he got the garden bug. So happy you can still grow things too.