Thursday, May 28, 2015

The adventures of Miss Bella

Last night I really wanted, needed, a good sleep. So I decided to lock the cats out of my bedroom   I also was feeling really hot so I opened the window in my room 
Another reason to shut the door as the wood heater was still keeping the rest of the house warm
If I had not made this decision I don't think the rest of the night would go gone the way it did
Apparently, and we don't know exactly how, but I suspect it was while the kitty litter was being cleaned before we retired for the night, little miss Bella had got out into the night 
Unbeknownst to me of course, so I slept like a little baby all night .
Now I have a doctors appointment at nine thirty this morning. So I didn't even put the alarm on to swim. I figured I sleep in get up get organised and go.
But at six this morning I can hear meowing at my window. I swear it sounds like Bella. But how can this be? She is nice and warm in the lounge with the fire going and sleeping with Agatha.
Little miss muffet had decided it was cold and she wanted her breakfast so she knew to come to mummy's window. 
We were very glad she was safe and sound, but ohhhh she got a telling off. Naughty kitty 
She on the other hand. Had her breakfast and promptly curled up and fell asleep 
If she could only talk. I wonder what she had got up to all night long 
Just very grateful I am
See ya


  1. Oh those mischievous creatures. Every night I have to make a decision whether or not I should close the door so the noisy little ones won't keep me up!
    Miss bella has a bohemian spirit!!!

  2. I am sleeping over at dd this weekend and they have two cats, fingers crossed they sleep all night OUTSIDE the bedroom I am sleeping in!!!

  3. Haha cheeky miss bella!!! The good thing is that these girls get hungry quickly and love their mums. Miss pops has a cat door and comes and goes as she pleases. She still sticks close to me, especially in the chilly weather.

    Julie and poppyq

  4. Smart cat! You would have gone berserk, if you had known she was out there.
    Kind of like having teenagers, sometimes it's better not to know what they did.
