Monday, June 8, 2015

Queens birthday weekend

Today although the sun is out its very windy. But I really wanted to get stuck into these and make them pretty. 
Before the extra garden bed I tried to grow vegetables in these but they just weren't deep enough. So I decided to grow flowers instead. 
Do I got all the weeds out. Not easy as they were stubborn little buggers  and added more potting mix. 
Then I planted bulbs and some seedlings
And mulched. I might even get some pain and paint pretty flowers on the blue tubs. What do you think? It really was quite a workout pulling those weeds. My arms are killing me and I worked up a sweat!
So um going to shower and then putter around inside waiting for the footy game to start. 
What did you do this weekend? 
Hope you had fun
See ya 


  1. What great little garen beds they are - I'm sure they will be a riot colour when everything blooms.
    Have you seen 'Garden Beds' made from an old head and end board. If you use wooden slats along the sides to make a raised bed they are quirky but useable.

    1. I have seen them Cathy and I love them I just don't know where I would out one lol

  2. A neat idea! Wishing you a blooming success!

  3. Hi Ange, add some manure as well, especially if you have some aged maunre. They will love it.

  4. It'll be great in Spring when they all flower.

  5. What a poor memory I had as I had to check back to see what you had planted...soon as I saw the photo, it all came 'back! lol. Love those raised garden beds...shame they weren't deep enough for vegies, but beautiful flowers must be 'food for the soul' surely! :-)
