Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Biopsy report

The results of the biopsy came in and I got a call from my GP 
That’s never a good sign when they ring you. 
Apparently I have inflammation and some bugs that cause ulcers 
Present in my gut 

So I am now on a strong seven day treatment to fix the problem 

It would explain why I’ve been feeling yucky for so long 
And imbalance in your gut flora is one of the reasons they give for getting 
ME. Or chronic fatigue. And I’ve been feeling so very tired for so very long 

Even though I got the meds on Saturday I didn’t start the course until Monday. Just in case 
The strong antibiotics made me feel sick. And I had already purchased the tickets 
To the Da Vinic experience. 

Hopefully this will fix the problem and I’ll start to feel more energised again. 

The silver lining of feeling so dam tired all the time is that I’m getting good nights sleep 
I slept in till eight this morning. I never sleep in that long 

I really needed it I can tell you 


  1. I hope it works fast. Yes, that would explain the fatigue. Let's hope it lifts.

  2. Now that you have a diagnosis and medication, I hope it resolves the problem soon!

  3. I'm glad that you have got a diagnosis. Hopefully the treatment, combined with rest, will get you firing on all cylinders again soon.

  4. Hope you've found the problem. It's terrible not to have energy especially when you lived with such wonderful gardens and so many animalS

  5. Oh my. What a dilemma - kill one bug, kill lots of bugs (good ones I mean). I hope you have all your pre-biotics, probiotics and fermented foods lined up for the gut restoration bit afterwards. Good luck and feed the good guys.

  6. My son when appendix out. He came down with gangrene, and was given an antibiotics and they got rid of gangrene and gave him C-diff. So than he take a different and strong antibiotics. Your gut is important.

  7. A phone call from the doctor is never a good thing! But at least it is something that can be treated. Feel better soon xx
