Tuesday, May 28, 2024


I’ve had a bit of a relapse with the flu. Or whatever it is. 
It’d definitely not covid I’ve tested negative twice so that’s good at least 

Haven’t had much sleep due to sinus pain and the little sleep I did get was on the couch
In a warm room 
Trixie stay with me all night.  She was worried about her mumma 

I’ve been resting. Doing bits and pieces as my energy levels allow 
The silver lining is I’ve started on the band on the jumper. 
It’s not purple like it looks. It’s blue 

Even thought the nights are cold the days are sunny and warm 
I’ve been trying to soak up the sunshine as much as I can 

Hope your all feeling good 


  1. That’s not good to hear Angela….if you can get outside in the fresh air at all, the beautiful sunshine we’re having will certainly do you good.
    And yes it’s been a bit on the chilly side o/night. Was 4C this morning at 8am when I went to the pool. Took ages for the car to warm up - I was nearly there by the time I was comfortable!

  2. Crikey you are in the wars. I hope you are able to restore some balance and get all the health challenges under control (at least under control). Are you knitting that pullover from the top down? (or is that the neck band?)

  3. I wonder if it hadn't really gone? Some viruses are sneaky like that, seem to be better when they're just dormant for a while. I hope you do better soon.

  4. Sorry to hear this! I hope you feel better soon and it stays that way!

  5. Anyone that caught the flu here last winter seemed to have symptoms for ages after the worst was over. Flu jabs did not help at all. I hope you manage to get rid of of it soon. Meantime sitting inside in the sun would be perfect if you are getting any of it. Our sun shines thru the balcony windows in winter and I love sitting there enjoying it's warmth.
    Don't overdo those 'bits and pieces' when you feel stronger
