Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Job done

Today I finished the decluttering, is that a word? 
And I now have seven bags for donation 

The gale force winds are still here and are supposed to continue for a while yet 

Definitely not the kind of weather to go outside 

So I’ll find another job to do inside for tomorrow 

I now need a rest.  I’m getting old me thinks 


  1. 7 bags! You did so well. Now no looking at the empty spaces and thinking about you can fill them up again. Decluttering is so invigorating. I'm sure you'll be up and out again soon. When those winds die down. I really do not like high winds.

    1. There are no empty spaces. I can’t believe how much I had crammed in.

  2. Decluttering is definitely a word, and you did great. It's a good feeling to make more space to live in.

    1. To look at the wardrobe and drawers you wouldn’t know. I’m amazed
