Monday, September 9, 2024


Sparkling Merlot suggest I do some sewing yesterday 
I remembered I had a quilt pinned and waiting to be quilted. 

I had been putting it off as “fighting” with it to keep it from moving while sewing always makes my Back ache 

It took a while but I did sew it together. Then I had to take all the safety pins out 

I had made the backing from pieces of wool blankets. You can buy them from the mill 

all done. 
another thing ticked off the list 

I have no idea what to try next. 
I’m finishing off the washing and general cleaning. That may be it for the rest of the day 

I might find something while cleaning the craft room 
Inspiration might hit me 

You never know 


  1. Oh, I'm sure you will always find another project!

  2. You're amazing. I'll start sending you orders for quilts and jerseys!!

  3. I expect something will occur to you!

  4. Well done you. This is where you pull everything out and rediscover things you had forgotten about!
