Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Garden day

The sun is shining although it is chilly. A perfect day to get outside 

I had this  pot that desperately needed a plant   Over the weekend I visited next door and purchased one. Among other things lol 

Today it got planted and placed here. It gets lots of sunshine here. Hopefully it likes its new home 

The pot that was here is now that first pot along the posts it didn’t like that other spot.   I hope it starts to be happy now 

After giving all the pots a drink I ventured out back 
I assembled my weapons and attacked 

The mulberry trees have no sooner lost their leaves, and have started to bud 

I decided to not go overboard with the pruning   Just cutting the really tall branches and cleaning up the middle to open them up. Little 

This is the before. They really are too tall 

The clippings it’s not a huge amount for   three mulberries 

I chopped them into smaller pieces and will be used in this fire 

With the winter solstice approaching I might light this fire and give thanks for our abundance, and ask for a good harvest in the coming summer 

I’ve been good and I’ve stopped before I over do 
It will be lunchtime shortly so I might have some chicken soup with the boys 

I’m going slow. But I am going 


  1. Replies
    1. It was just a trim really but I hope it was enough

  2. Ity's very easy to overdo the pruning.....and the exercise/work. I usually start and can't stop, a little more here, a little more there. You did very well! I save the vines for K's bbq. We end up with piles of them in the garden. Very handy when roasting a pig lol
    As usual I love seeing photos of your pots and garden. You look after them all so well
    ftoo ftoo ftoo

    1. I’ll attack the roses in the next few days. I usually go overboard when doing those. Yet somehow they always come back

  3. Oh golly gosh chilly wasn’ the word I uttered this morning - more like b****** cold. It was zero and lower here in the foothills. Garden was white with frost- car was white with frost - poor agapanthus that were dried up during summer looked all soft and soggy as if suffering from frostbite…….but wasn’t that sunshine delightful.
    Such a glorious day … afternoon was spent in the hairdressers so no gardening done.
    Is there a distinct smell when the mulberry prunings are burnt. And do you breed silkworms at all?

    1. I’ve not burnt them before. So I find out. No silk worms that I can see.

  4. Going slow but going is a great approach to a lot of life.

  5. Like you, I go slowly but I do keep going. I have no idea how you would feel about taking narcotics, and it is my understanding that they are even harder to get where you are than they are in America (I consider myself lucky to have consenting doctors). However, you might consider seeing a pain specialist (I would look at every review I could find before I went). Ambien is also a good drug in that it enables one to at least halfway sleep through pain that would otherwise make sleep hard to come by, but again, I understand that Australian doctors rarely prescribe sleeping pills. I write all this a someone who has taken narcotics and sleeping pills daily for more than ten years, and despite their risks, they enable me to do things that I couldn't otherwise do.

    1. Yes our doctor don’t give out pain pills. I’m seeing a pain specialist and he gave me a cortisol shot in my hip and I take strong anti inflammatory tablets every night. I’m ok if I don’t do anything. But I can’t just sit and do nothing. So I keep busy. I’m my own worse enemy.

  6. You guys are celebrating first day of winter.
