Tuesday, June 18, 2024

The day after

This morning I woke up feeling like I’d gone a round or two with a boxing kangaroo. I even have bruises 
It was a slow start to the day   I got a packet of chicken wings out of the freezer before Bed last night for tonight’s dinner. 

There were enough for two different meals 
Firstly chicken and rice in the oven   You might be able to see I had already sampled some for my dinner 

And here we have Greek chicken soup  made with egg and lemon. Perfect for when you’re not feeling the best. 

It’s made a big pot full so I’ll send some to the workshop for hubby and wonderson to enjoy for their lunch 

Hubbys jumper #2 
I’ve started on the first  sleeve
It’s looking more like a jumper and less like a tent 

You can see my note pad where I cross off the rows as I do them 

A slow but productive day, even if I didn’t get everything I wanted done 
I’m embracing the new me. Including the limitations 
Can’t fight it any more.  


  1. Lovely blog post! Except for the bruises. She gave you one helluva workout. Hope it makes you feel more supple ....once the pain wears off lol
    Good old chicken soup. I eat it but don't love it. Bits the first thing I make when K is feeling 'off'. Good greek winter food.
    The jumper is progressing quickly. You're very productive. Im a slow knitter. One jumper takes most of the winter.

    1. Because I’ve not really been able to to much else
      I always made the soup for my kids when they were sick it is great comfort food

  2. Chicken and rice yum. Greek chicken soup with lemon sounds like something I need to try. Hint hint.
    Hope you're feeling better by now.

    1. You’ll have to give me a heads up when your down next and I’ll make some for you.

  3. I admire your philosophy. But I wish you had less pain to deal with.

    1. Thank you. I missed winter last year as I was in the northern hemisphere. I think that’s what’s making it worse. And we are in the middle of a cold snap.

  4. Your knitting is beautifully even. I hope that massage does move thing in the right direction when the initial effects wear off.

    1. Yes it always feels worse before I feel better. And today I do feel better

  5. The chicken and the soup both look delicious!

    1. Cold weather is always the best time for hot soups

  6. Did you mean to say that you literally bruised yourself while thrashing around in your sleep? Might you be talking to a doctor about it because you can't possibly get adequate rest this way.
