Friday, August 30, 2024

Friday fun

First we made apple tea cake 

Adding the apples on top 

While it was cooking we went out to fly a kite 

Daddy had to help 

Saying hello to the stock 

Watering the plants 

And finally falling asleep in grandmas arms 

It was an action packed day 


  1. The cattle look interested in her! Is that a tiny calf, what do you think, Elsie?

    1. I quickly took the photo and then ran up to her. They are very tame but have no idea about their horns. Ana knew to not get too close

  2. Ana has lovely Fridays with you. Those cows look so big towering over her. She looks as though she's chatting to them. Quite comfortable with big animals!

    1. She’s been raised with them so to her they’re just more pets.
      I try to do things with her. Some Fridays are better than others
