Sunday, September 1, 2024

Father’s Day

Today is Father’s Day. 
We don’t make a fuss. It’s just another day here. We see our son five days a week and my daughter is coming tomorrow so we are not expecting anyone today 

The weather is still very unpredictable. With all those gale force winds I thought all me blossoms would of been blown away 

Not so. 
The first roses of the year 

Pretty sure this is a peach 

The plums 

Look at this one. An over achiever 

Hubby mowing before the rains come again 

I’ve stripped the bed and hung the sheets under cover and I’ll continue to work on the second jumper 

The sleeves are a little fiddle for the first half dozen rows. But then are easy to manage 

The way things are currently he will get lots of wear from this before summer arrives 

To all the fathers and father figures. Enjoy your day 


  1. Your roses are beautiful, as are those flowering fruit trees. "Over achiever," LOL!

  2. Love your roses, they are flowering much earlier than here in Adelaide. Some here have buds but mostly still getting their new leaves. Warmer weather here soon hopefully.

  3. Look at those trees in blossoms. Spring has arrived! For you. We had rain today so maybe autumn is approaching.
    Good work on the jersey

  4. I love to see trees in blossom. Happy father's day to all the dads in your family!

  5. The garden has got off to a great start. Have you tried knitting sleeves with a very long circular needles pulling two loops of it out of the stitches (so you kind of knit the sleeve half a row at a time)? Look up magic loops. I find it easier than sleeve needles with their really short points. The jumper is looking great.

    1. I’m using circular needles. It’s the right size and fits the sleeve perfect.
