Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Regular checking

Yesterday I had a colonoscopy and gastroscopy 
The gastroscopy isn’t an issue. Usually you fast for 12 hours before hand go in and 
Bobs your uncle out again before you realised you have been asleep. 

The colonoscopy is a whole different animal 

You fast the whole day before. Having only clear liquids, broth 
And black tea or coffee. 

These things do not fill the tummy at all!

Then you have to start drinking a powerful laxative drink. One every two hours starting at a specific 
Time depending on what time your appointment is 


You live in the toilet, or your running to the toilet 
Which if you can’t run is always a game of chicken 
And you end up having a bottom like one of those baboon’s 

I just telling myself bowel cancer is way worse. So suck it up and just get on with it. 

Happy to say all clear. 
The barretts hasn’t come back 
And I’ve got the cleanest bowel ever! 

So I need to go back for a gastroscopy every three years. And I don’t need another 
Colonoscopy for about ten years. 
Unless of course I have symptoms 

So to end this horrid post. Here’s something to make you laugh 

Don’t forget to get yours checked 

Saturday, April 27, 2024


Today all three girls were here 
They all play well together and keep each other amused. 

The weather was lovely so we went outside to check the livestock 

Sitting on a Log watching the sheep and alpacas while the chickens were clucking behind us 

Grandpa and his girls 

Trying to get the alpacas to come and say hi

Back instead relaxing watching bluey 

A pic out of order lol 

The two younger girls are especially close 
They’re doing puzzles together here 

The older and more mature granddaughter was knitting on the couch with grandma 

It was a wild day full of fun and laughter 

Ana has gone home with her parents and the older girls are in Bed 

Grandma and grandpa are resting. Ready to start again tomorrow 

How lucky are we to have quality time with our girls 

Thursday, April 25, 2024

ANZAC Day 2024

The Ode

The Ode of Remembrance is a poem that is commonly recited at Anzac Day services to commemorate wartime sacrifice.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: 
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. 
At the going down of the sun and in the morning 
We will remember them.

The Ode comes from For the Fallen, a poem by English poet and writer Laurence Binyon. The poem was first published in The Times on 21 September 1914. It was later published in the Winnowing Fan - Poems of the Great War.

By mid-September 1914, less than seven weeks after the outbreak of war, the British Expeditionary Force in France had already suffered severe casualties. Long lists of the dead and wounded appeared in British newspapers. It was against this background that Binyon wrote For the Fallen.

The Ode is the fourth stanza of the poem. The verse, which became the League Ode, was already used in association with Anzac Day commemoration services in Australia in 1921.

For the Fallen

With proud thanksgiving, a mother for her children 
England mourns for her dead across the sea, 
Flesh of her flesh they were, spirit of her spirit, 
Fallen in the cause of the free.

Solemn the drums thrill: Death august and royal 
Sings sorrow up into immortal spheres, 
There is music in the midst of desolation 
And glory that shines upon our tears.

They went with songs to the battle, they were young, 
Straight of limb, true of eyes, steady and aglow, 
They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted, 
They fell with their faces to the foe.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: 
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn 
At the going down of the sun and in the morning 
We will remember them.

They mingle not with their laughing comrades again, 
They sit no more at familiar tables of home, 
They have no lot in our labour of the daytime, 
They sleep beyond England's foam.

But where our desires and hopes profound, 
Felt as a well-spring that is hidden from sight, 
To the innermost heart of their own land they are known 
As the stars are known to the night.

As the stars shall be bright when we are dust, 
Moving in marches upon the heavenly plain, 
As the stars that are starry in the time of our darkness, 
To the end, to the end, they remain.

- Written by Robert Laurence Binyon (1869-1943)


Wednesday, April 24, 2024

A tale of three lounges

My friend who has back and hip issues like me was visiting her son’s home in Perth. 

She said that while sitting on  his lounge she never got any pain. 

Once she got home she purchased the exact same lounge 

Hubby and I were talking about replacing our lounge as it had no support left and was causing us both lots of pain. 

When my friend told me about her new lounge we visited to check it out. 

It was so nice to sit in, was higher than ours  and so very  supportive 

So off the three of us went to buy one for our home 

It arrived today and it’s all set up 
I now need to work out how to get rid of the indents in the carpet 

It even has the seal of approval from the princess 

Word of mouth. Is the best advertising 
And we all hope we have much less pain now 

Monday, April 22, 2024

Gorilla gardening

The sun came out in the afternoon and I was sick of being inside so I went out to water the veggies and check on their progress. 

The fig tree was damaged in the big winds a few months ago and I had been waiting for it to drop its leaves so we could transplant it into the ground 

Unfortunately it was very very heavy. 

So hubby got his machine to help do the job. As luck would have it. Wonderson was at the workshop servicing his lovely wife’s car. So he helped 

First the sling had to be placed around the pot 

And then slowly it was lifted into the air 

A final bit of help getting all branches over the fence and the job was done 

Hubby then trimmed it back and planted it into the ground. 

If it lives great. If not. I’ve got a few cuttings that have taken to plant out. 

A much  better way to move heavy pots don’t you think?

It’s washing day today so I’m off to hang out the bedding. 

Enjoy your day 

Sunday, April 21, 2024


Friday as usual was ana day and she arrived looking a little tired.  
We had cuddles on the couch and when she wokenu0 proper we had breakfast. 
Toast, with peanut butter and some apple. 

But by eleven she wanted a sleep. So by the time she woke up her grandfather was here and she was a happy little Lady 
Grandpa is the favourite. Grandma is second best lol 

I finished off my hexi cardigan and it’s very warm indeed. 

I might add to the band around it. It’s curling so I think a couple of more rows should fix that. I have plenty of yarn left 

Yesterday was art day and we started a new paining.  Its always exciting and a little daunting when we start something new 
And we never make it easy on ourselves. We’ve picked a picture, from the internet, of the giants causeway 
I’ve got a few pics of my visit. But as the day was grey and misty we decided to use a picture that has a beautiful sunset sky. 

I’ve started a top down jumper for hubby. I’m kinda winging it. 
I started using a pattern. But it got complicated. I’m a see and do person.  Not a read and follow   
So I found a YouTube and I’m using that as a guide. 
I’ll definitely show you how it progressing in a few days. 

Out to dinner last night for a friends birthday. A lovely little Italian restaurant In Montrose 
It reminded me of one my sister in law and I went to in Rome   The food was fabulous 
We had a set menu for $50 a head and I got to say I was so full that by the time the endless pizza part arrived I just couldn’t eat another bite

So today is a rest day for both hubby and me. 
He’s lit the fire, it’s looking very grey out there. 
I’ll continue working on his jumper while he watches sports and car racing on the television 

Yes we are a boring old couple now. 
And that’s how we like it. 

Enjoy the rest of the weekend. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Getting stuff done

Yesterday I planted some of the bulbs in these two pots. They already have some growing and others just pushing through. My aim is to try and have something flowering all throughout the year 

The rest of the bulbs went into the garden in front of the window I can see while sitting inside. 

After the sun started to go down. But before dark. I planted out the vegetables 

There’s rainbow chard, I call it silver beet. Kale broccolini and mini cabbages. 

And in here we have sugar beets   I think they’ll make a nice change to toasted potatoes 

This morning I pined the quilt so it’s now ready for sewing. 

Won’t be today. It’s hard work with a very bad back so I’ll give it a few days before I start. Unless I feel ok 

And now it’s back to this. I had put aside my hexi cardigan as I was waiting on yarn from Denmark. 

That’s when I started the blanket. It kind of took over for a while. 

So apart of going to the doctors today. To get my scripts. I’ll be working in this. 

Oh and I need to work out what we will be doing for dinner. 
Any suggestions? 

Monday, April 15, 2024

Mercury retrograde

What a day. Mercury’s retrograde is definitely making itself know. 

Mercury governs all communications. And today there have been internet breakdowns, computer problems and just general chaos 

I had to ring and make an appointment for a colonoscopy and gastroscopy 

First the phone didn’t go through. 
Then I tried doing an online booking. 

Pulled my hair out had a sit tried again to book online 

Tried the phones and success 

And I was only number six in the queue yeahhh 

Having done that it was advised I come in to fill in paperwork as they didn’t know how long before their computers were up and running again 

I’ve just got back. Seriously. What a pain the the posterior 

And I’ve still got the actual appointment to go! 

This is after going into town to meet the girls for coffee 
Did a quick shop then headed to Bunnings for veggie seedlings 
And I may have purchased a few bulbs oops lol 

I’ve planted the bulbs 
I’m having a little rest before I go out to plant up the seedlings 

And last night I finished the Weasley inspired blanket 
I like how it turned out.
It’s heavy and very very warm 

Once the machinery shed is built. Part of it will be turned into a living space. With wood stove and couches that turn into beds 

I’m going to need blankets for those 

Now I’ll just have to decide what pattern I’m going to attempt next 

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Progress report

The quilt is on the table and waiting on the pinning 

All squares are done it’s a large blanket so definitely a double bed size at least 

 Crocheting them together. It’s a much quicker process than stitching. I like the effect of the burgundy lines 
Should have it finished in a few days 

And even though her  birthday isn’t until the 15th. We had her birthday party yesterday. 

The first party was at a play centre which we didn’t attend. 
The second was at home which grandparents attended. 

Ana looked like she had a wonderful day and she got lots of lovely gifts. 

She still has her birthday celebration at day care to look forward too 

I’m so very glad that part of my life is over. It’s so much easier bring the grandma and just showing up 

Friday, April 12, 2024

Flying by

Another Friday. Seems like Time is speeding up 

Ana and trixie watching bluey while I organise breakfast 

Abs knows where the nail polish is kept and ask if she can have purple nails. I said sure so off she went to get the bag of children’s polish 

During the week her daycare posted a picture of her doing puzzles so I dug out the ones I had 
She was very good. I only had minimal input 

All puzzles in the box done. She looks very pleased with herself 

At eleven thirty she asked for a nap. So I headed into my craft room 

The other day I made this patchwork backing out of pure wool blanket off cuts 

So today I made up a patchwork or wadding out of my scraps 
Y’all know I don’t like to waste 

As you can see it’s passed quality control 

Still have lot’s of off cuts. 
They will all get used 

So now all I have to do. Is get hubby to help me move the table into the center of the craft room so I can sandwich and pin all three pieces together 

Then I will quilt it. 
Trim it 
And make the binding to bind it. 


And on knitting news. All one hundred squares have been finished 

Another project on the home straight 

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Happy birthday

Today is my baby girls birthday. She had organised an outing with her family but her hubby had to work so she asked if would like to go. 

Of course I said yes so I went to her place this morning 
And off we went to a paint some pottery 

We all chose what we wanted to paint and had lots of fun being creative 

Brianna concentrating on her plate 

Melody choosing her colours 

My baby girl painting flowers on her platter 

Me I chose a jug.  painting butterflies and a flower. 
I’ll use it as a vase once it’s done 

They’ll be glazed, fired and we get to pick them up in two weeks 

It was a lovely way to spend the morning 
I hope the rest of her birthday is fun and as special as she is 

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Hello winter

It’s wet and cold today. 
Expected top of 16 deg cel. 
There is even snow on some mountains 

After a productive day yesterday I’ll be taking it easy today. 
With the fire going keeping us warm 

Only 6 1/2 squares to go 

Monday, April 8, 2024

A little bit of this and a little bit of that

Another weekend has come and gone. 
Friday afternoon hubby, with the help of wonderson, pulled out all the summer crops
There is some weeding to do and I’ll add more compost and then I’ll plant out the winter 

This Hoya was given to me when it was a little plant. Five years later it’s gone ballistic. 
Hubby has attached some twine to keep the pole straight. It was starting to fall due to the weight of the plant 
Once it grows up to the top I’ll decide if I’ll let it continue or start chopping it back. 

Spotlight was having a 50% off sale so how could I resist. 
I was a good girl and only spent $130.00 but it got me quite a haul
This will replenish my stash and keep me going over the winter.  
I have no idea what I’ll make. But im sure something will come to me 

My cleaning lady has decided to wind up her business due to health. So im back to doing the heavy
Deep cleaning myself again 
So I decided to start with the worst room first. The spare bedroom. 
I’ve spent all morning cleaning, and throwing stuff out. Rearranging and packing away 
The bedding is in the washing machine and once dry I’ll remake the bed. 
I’ve vacuum and once the bed is made that room is done. 

I’ve also stripped my bed,  the sun is shining today so I might not get another chance to dry
The sheets for a while. Rain is predicted in the next few days 

While cleaning I found a cardigan I had knitted years ago. And never wore as it was way too big. 
So I’ve started to unwind it. It’s bendigo wool so good quality. 

I think I’ll use the yarn to join the squares with crocheting. 
The burgundy colour will look effective amongst the blues, greens,and beige.   I hope.  

So after a very busy morning. I’m sitting and unwinding and resting 

Until it’s time to make the beds 

Then I’ll only have to think about what to cook for dinner! 

Friday, April 5, 2024

Full on

Today all three little princesses (?) came to play 
They’re such good girls and play beautifully together 

Ana and Melody playing office workers.  I had to be the secretary and answer all calls lol 

Mani pedi time. Melody looked after Ana and I then melody’s nails 

Brianna climbing and never sitting still long enough for a picture 

Here they all are having Maccas for lunch. 
I know. Bad grandma. 
But it was easy and they ate most of it. Grandma had leftovers. Never again   Too old for such things. 

The older girls have now gone home. Ana is with grandpa checking on the stock. Making sure they all have water. 

Grandma will definitely be having a G&T tonight 
Tired but so very happy