Friday, July 10, 2015

Friday funnies

Arctic blast heading our way. It's going to be a cold weekend. I'll be splitting wood today, to keep the home fires burning. 
Hope you have a wonderful weekend. It's almost here 
See ya xxx


  1. All I can say is 'Thank Goodness for the gas company!' I cetainly don't envy you Angela, my days of open fires have long gone lol. Wouldn't have the energy to split wood today - cough cough, getting better (slowly)
    I wonder if anyone has the answer to that age old question - who's a good boy?

  2. Oh my, you are having an arctic blast and we are expecting just the opposite. Stay warm!
    Cute pictures and captions, I look forward to your Friday Funnies, except I get them on Thursday evening.

  3. Love the funnies....they are definitely laugh out loud ones for me! We've heard about the Arctic blast heading your way...sounds like a perfect excuse to stay close to the fire!
