Saturday, September 12, 2015

Finally done

Remember those garden beds from Aldi? Well finally put them together and planted them out. Because they were going on a concrete slab we also used a layer of rock to help drainage 
Hubby putting them together wasn't as hard as I thought. 
Some pots I had. I got hubby to screw them into the retaining board. So I have more room for more pots 
So I planted all these into the two new beds. So soon I hope they a riot of colour 
So slowly an ugly concrete slab will be transformed into something Beautiful. I hope 
Well it's a start 
How's your weekend going?
See ya 


  1. Those are cool. I like the concept, will have to watch for them in the spring!

  2. My weekend will see more fence work. With luck, we can finish before the rain on Wednesday.

    Your new bed looks good.

  3. That's such a great idea to transform that area...looking forward to the photos when all the plants are blooming :-)

  4. Oh they will be beautiful for sure!!!
