Sunday, May 26, 2024

Slow Sunday

Slept in this morning really needed the rest 
Woke up to fog 

We are weeks away from mid winter and my roses are still green 

Hopefully they drop their leaves soon and we can in there to prune and weed 

You can just see the alpacas through the mist 

Today I’ll do all the washing I was going to do yesterday. It will have to be hung indoors on clothes horses 

In between that I’ll continue to work on hubbys jumper. 

He will definitely need it at the farm 


  1. Alpacas in the mist. Could be a movie..

    1. I think it would be a tad boring to most People. But I would definitely watch it

  2. That certainly is a different photo from your norm. Very wintery. You must be a fast knitter. It takes me all winter to finish an adult garment. Do you use wool from your alpacas?

    1. No. It’s from bendigo wool mills.
      Not that fast but it is growing every day

  3. I do love a good foggy day. It does strange things to sound and is kind of like being wrapped in a muffler (a soggy one that leaves beads on your eyebrows and hair.)

  4. I have nearly finished a jumper I started for Himself two years ago! It is 80% acrylic and is killing my fingers. Never again will I knit a large project with acrylic.

    1. Thankfully this is bendigo wool. It’s nice and soft but because it’s knit down it’s really heavy
