Monday, September 2, 2024

Big girls day

Mum and dad had a funeral to go to today. As I don’t have the correct cars seats I couldn’t pick up the girls from school so they came here for the day 

Trixie with Brianna 

Melody watching a movie we had playing 

And both girls with trixie 

Mum and dad picked the girls up and not long after we heard an almighty clap of thunder. 

Rain and hail this time. Just for something different 

It was so much it looked like snow I may lose those blossoms yet 

Power is out all over due to trees coming down 
So far we haven’t been affected 

And apparently it’s not over yet 


  1. Australia does everything big. When I was living in Bathurst it started hailing one day at lunch time. No big deal thought I until everyone started running for their cars and jammed up the entrances of underground carparks. Hailstones bigger than golfballs and about 4 inches deep before it stopped. Roofs collapsed, crops of peaches were destroyed, foliage stripped off trees.... I do hope your garden survives the onslaught and you don't get so much or so big.

  2. Nice to have the girls. But what a hail storm!! I do hope your beautiful garden survives the onslaught

  3. That hailstorm must have been amazing and a bit worrying too. I hope your lovely garden survives.
