Sunday, October 27, 2024

Gardening day

The sun was shining this morning so it was a get into the garden and get your hands dirty day 

I popped into next door and got two punnets of capsicum seedlings. While hubby was topping up the beds with compost 

Here they all are. Hopefully we get lots of capsicum to enjoy. You can see the snow peas in the back bed 

I pulled out the strawberries weeded the pots added more compost and divided the plants and replanted them 

The should now be happier and grow better 

We weeded around the veggie beds and gave everything a good soak 

Harvested what needed  to be. 
The rhubarb was huge   I have now thinned it. Topped up with compost and watered it well. Should produce lots more as underneath were new growth 

Four mini cabbages. I’ll chop  them up cook them with bacon and  onion then freeze for future use. Obviously we will have some now fresh from the garden 

The snow peas were collected. They have been very productive. I think a few went missing into the harvesters mouth lol. No it wasn’t me. 

I also planted three different kinds of beans   I’ll keep checking to see how many germinate   I usually get a good amount from the ones I plant. All bush varieties so I don’t have to worry about trellises 

And just because here are my roses.  Looking and smelling lovely 

It was a very productive day. 
I’m ready to just sit and just be for a while. This old grey mare is not what she used to be lol 


  1. As usual you garden is amazing. It should be. You put so much hard work into it. So handy having the garden centre so close.
    I bet you get loads of capsicum. And so many other vegetables. Your prep, freeze, preserve I bet is just the start of a long summer harvest. Spit spit spit

  2. Thank you. It wasn’t always hard keeping on top of it all. But as the years roll on. It’s getting harder and harder. Thankfully hubby now is able to help me

  3. You have an ambitious garden. I like that you do both food and flowers.

    1. Flowers bring in the pollinators and are good for the soul

  4. A bountiful harvest today! I foresee rhubarb crisp in your future.

    1. I’ll Google rhubarb crisp. I do make a mean rhubarbs drop cake
