Tuesday, July 2, 2024


Paying the piper today 
I was hoping to go out again and do a little more 
But my body has said a firm no! 

Hopefully a days rest will allow me to go out again tomorrow 


  1. Yes, rest up -- I hope that does the trick!

  2. Oh dear. Yes, rest today is the thing.

  3. oh that's cute but I get it. It is a tough lesson learning to pace your self.

  4. I know the feeling my dear. I have Lupus and two other friends that she brought with her. Although they lean heavily on me during the winter and spring Lupus stays with me always so I know your pain. Remember to try not to do too much when you feel as though you can. That is the big mistake for us. Take your days as they come and pace yourself. May the Goddess guide you and give you happiness.
