Sunday, July 21, 2024

Walk about

The rain and winds have stopped. So we went for a bit of a wander around the place 

You can see how much rain we had 

This dam was bone dry! 
It filled up over the last week 

Checking the veggie patch and not much is happening 
The rhubarb is kicking on.  Which is lovely to see 

The first planting is now established and growing well. 

The second is still just sitting quietly. 

The sugar beets have grown. I’ll start harvesting and adding them to my stews and roast them 

More beets in the foreground. The jonquils are happily flowering away. 

No sign of the potatoes as yet. I’m sure they’ll pop up soon 

The frost has Damaged this poor plant. I’ll wait until all frost has gone and cut it back. It should regrow. 

My rosemary is really doing well. I had to cut it back so I could get in and out of the gate 

The bees were all over it. 

It was nice to just walk around.  I ignored all the weeds. I’ll get to them once the weather improves 

The chickens have been let out of lockdown to clean up the small orchard. 

They will spend the day here and go back in their run  
It’s wet so we will get some more sawdust and put it down for them to have a nice clean and dry area to play in. 

This will have to done during the week. The sawdust people are closed Sundays 

Hope you’re all keeping warm or cool depending on where in the wacky world you live. 

Crazy weather all over 


  1. You've had a tremendous amount of rain. Your garden seems to have loved it. Isn't it odd , my rosemary is thriving too and we are staying n a heatwave. It's a very hardy plant.
    Another thing I've noticed is the lack of bees. There are a few but nowhere near the number of happy buzzing bees we used to have.

  2. I love to see the bees around. I get them on my herbs and lavender and like to think of the great flavored honey I'm helping with.

  3. Your garden is coming along so nicely!
