Monday, July 1, 2024


Back in the old days. I could prune, weed and mulch the rose garden in one day 

Sadly those days are long gone 
Even in the recent years I could prune and weed in the one day 

But not any more
Today I did this much 
Four rose bushes and half of one. 
Pulled weeds but only those big ones that come out easily 

Even though it doesn’t look like much. Which was disappointing. I remembered that it was four wheelbarrow loads. 

You can see a nice little pile of the prunings and weeds 

Wonderson came over for lunch and I stopped to have some with him 

That was my mistake. Once I’d stopped and cooled down. I just couldn’t get going again. 

That’s why I only got through half a rose bush 

I’ve had a long soak in. Hot bath 
Will take some pain meds 
And recover enough to hopefully go out again tomorrow and do a bit more 

I mourn the old me. 
I guess I’ll just have to be happy I can do any work out there at all 


  1. None of us are getting any younger, are we? We're all in the same boat!

  2. You did well. But you just have to realise you can't do as well as you used to. It's hard to accept it. Look at what you accomplished though. It's lucky son came over for lunch or I'm sure you would have kept on pruning and weeding and then spent the rest of the week inside doing nothing but crochet! Rest and recoup ! Crochet and knitting are work too

  3. But you do what you can. That's all we can do.
