I’m trying to not buy too much from the supermarkets.
Using up what I have. No only saving money not spent but also not throwing
Out food.
I made this breakfast bar

The 100 cookie dough recipe

I used a quarter of the batch and frozen the three other quarters
I now unfreeze them when needed and cook with Ana or the girls.
Without too much mess lol

I also have bread rising
I’ll leave it for a couple of hours before the second rise that way
It will be ready for dinner when hubby gets home.

I now do not have any flour left in the house.
So if I want bread, and who doesn’t, I’ll either have
To buy more flour or bread.
So of course it’s not strictly a no spend.
It’s an, only spend it you totally have to, month
Meat frozen in the fridges, and veggies from
The garden will keep us going for a while before we have to buy
Anything for dinner
This is a good way to make up all the money spent during Christmas
And New Years.
I used to do it every year when I had little children and it’s
A habit that just won’t go away.
Not that it’s a bad thing