One of my friends from swimming, Anne, gave me an old antique dolls bed.
It was looking it age and has one dowel missing but I was very happy to receive it
Another swimming friend, Diane, painted it with some antique white and it came up a treat
So when I got new carpet I saved some of the underlay
And found some bright orange fabric in my stash
And made a mattress and bumper.
I trimmed the bumper with some lace I had

Add one pillow

And dolly has a new bed.
Add one pillow
And dolly has a new bed.
The blanket is one I bought from the reject shop that cost $8.00.
And that’s all the money I spent
I hope melody likes it.
I’ll probably crochet a pretty blanket to put on top out of whatever I have
And viola!
Probably not a nice as a new bought one, but I’m hopeful that when she’s older Melody will appreciate
All the work that went into it and will cherish it once I’m gone

Hope you all like it
See ya xxx