Wednesday, November 30, 2022
Monday, November 28, 2022
Moving right along
Got up this morning and off to swim I went
The weather is still cold but at least it’s no raining
After coffee with the girls I’m home cooking from the freezer. Using up what we have to make room for what is hopefully a bountiful summer harvest
I love being able to grab things from my freezer or pantry that I’ve grown here and preserved
After all the cleaning yesterday I needed to rest today or I’d crash again. So work continues on the big blanket
It’s slowly but steadily growing

If summer is going to be cooler and wetter than normal I think I’m going to need this wool blanket to keep me warm in the winter
If summer is going to be cooler and wetter than normal I think I’m going to need this wool blanket to keep me warm in the winter
I’m not liking the cold at all
Sunday, November 27, 2022
That summer feeling
Hubby started to clean under the outside area. It’s been needing it badly. But with constant rain and cold we just couldn’t get into the cleaning mood
I didn’t get any before shots but OMG it was bad. Leaf litter everywhere and soooo much dust
With the blinds up the breeze was lovely and help get ride if the dust as we cleaned

And finally. I’ve made covers for the two chairs. Seriously I’ve had them about 20 years and I’m. It even joking.
And finally. I’ve made covers for the two chairs. Seriously I’ve had them about 20 years and I’m. It even joking.
I got the free on free cycle and was always going to make covers but I never remembered to measure so get the right amount of material. If even remember to buy any material luckily a friend of Mine gave me a big bag of material so I decided today was the day.
I just layer the fabric in the floor and cut around the cushions
I always save ribbon so I hand sewed them on to be able to tie the cushion in place
And used my plastic snaps to finish off
Not perfect but they’ll do nicely
No more tripping over the crochet blankets I thre over them for a temporary fix lol
No more tripping over the crochet blankets I thre over them for a temporary fix lol
Hubby is still going. I’m resting but we have accomplished heaps already today
It will be nice to be able to use this space again
Saturday, November 26, 2022
This is how it began
Then it morphed into this
And after today it looks like this
Hopefully by the end of next week it will look like a handsome Tooradin pelican.
We live in hope lol
This has been a politics free zone
Friday, November 25, 2022
Busy morning
This morning after breakfast Ana and I went off on a walk
Past her daddy’s old primary school
Past the footy oval he used to play at
And the tennis courts where grandma used to play
And the back home again.
We had fun making jewellery and Ana was really good at getting the beads into the pipe cleaners

We also had some snacks and then she wanted to go to bed. This was all by ten this morning
We also had some snacks and then she wanted to go to bed. This was all by ten this morning
While she’s been asleep grandma has feed chickens planted veggie seeds and watered pots.
Now Trixie and I have having a little rest before Ana wakes up to do even more exciting things this afternoon
Hope your all keeping busy too
Thursday, November 24, 2022
Fibro fog struck again Yesterday I was messaging my friend and was making lots of typos. I mentioned to her that
I felt like I had someone else’s glasses on.
This info is very important
This info is very important
I said my goodbye and proceeded to do my crochet and watch some DVDs while sitting up in bed
My eyes were ok with the crochet but not really with small print like on your phone.
I received a message reminding me I had a dental appointment at ten and could I respond yes or no
Easy enough right?
Well no. I didn’t read the WHOLE text. Why should I really. I mean you usually get the reminder text the day before.
Well off I went this morning, after a sleepless night fretting about a dentist visit
Only to find out that it’s next Wednesday!
How stupid do I feel. Very let me tell you. But it’s all good.
For one thing. No dentist today
I was able to organise to get the Valium tablet for the next visit so yeah no panic attack in the chair
And millers were having a sale so the bathers I like, which are normally $50 each
Were reduced to two for $30. Bonus
I think that’s why the universe made me go in to day
To save me lots of money lol
Plus I was able to finish my Christmas shopping so now I don’t have to fight the crowds.
So yeah for fibro fog. It might make me very confused, my eyes to go funny and put me into
Embarrassing situations. But every now and again it turns into a positive lol
Gotta laugh don’t you
Wednesday, November 23, 2022
Sunday, November 20, 2022
Veggie progress
Harvested the last of the leek I’ll wash and cut these up to freeze. They will be perfect for slow cooker recipes
I planted some burpless cucumbers in the wicking bed they came from. I’ll have to rig some kind of trellis for them as they grow
The malaka tomatoes and chillies are growing well we have a few yucky leaves but I’ll chop them off so no dramas there
First lot of tomatoes are getting big now. We have flowers hopefully we will get fruit
Even the little plants are growing well. They now look like tomatoes.
The silverbeet is starting to bolt so that’s next for removal. I’ll chop it up and freeze it. Works a treat
The salad greens have been chopped many times for my lunch and is still growing

Squash have taken off. And zucchini

I planted six beans here but only four have succeeded. Two were eaten grrrrr

Going to have to dry some herbs soon.

Beetroot needs to be pulled and processed. We don’t eat heaps of pickled beetroot so I might try freezing them to have roasted I’ll have to investigate and see it that works

My little rhubarb now has two leaves. I think it would be doing much better if the weather was nicer

So although we have had buckets of rain, the garden is still producing. Every day I harvest something to add to our dinner. And that has got to help keep supermarket costs down
Squash have taken off. And zucchini
I planted six beans here but only four have succeeded. Two were eaten grrrrr
Going to have to dry some herbs soon.
Beetroot needs to be pulled and processed. We don’t eat heaps of pickled beetroot so I might try freezing them to have roasted I’ll have to investigate and see it that works
My little rhubarb now has two leaves. I think it would be doing much better if the weather was nicer
So although we have had buckets of rain, the garden is still producing. Every day I harvest something to add to our dinner. And that has got to help keep supermarket costs down
Friday, November 18, 2022
Friday is Ana day
As usual woke up and got organised for the arrival of our princess Anastasia
As soon as the toys come out Trixie knows who’s coming and waits at the window, watching
As soon as sh arrived ana waved bye to daddy and grandma gets her breakfast ready
She’s such a good eater and loves her wheatbix
After playing we have snack time and of course where ever Ana is so is Trixie
After snacks. It was reading time. Here they are together, Ana reading to Trixie and Trixie being a good girl site and listens
Ana is adorable babbling away and pointing in the book. And the dog is so attentive

After a big sleep and lunch grandpa came over and we all played outside
We sat in the shade and looked at the grass and some leaves and played with both dogs.
Teddy is amazing with young children he is so gentle

Grandpa is the favourite until daddy comes to pick her up. Then it’s all about grandma
And when won’t leave my side. Daddy asked if Ana was ready to go home and he got a firm no!
But eventually they got into the car and off they went.
Grandma is exhausted after all the walking, playing and dancing we did today
Thankfully I have a whole week to rest up and do it all again
Love watching all the girls grow, although it is way too fast for my liking
Wednesday, November 16, 2022
Tuesday, November 15, 2022
Best laid plans
Yesterday morning I found it very hard to get up and get going.
No way was I going to be able to get to the pool, swim and then catch up on all the little jobs I didn’t get
Round to during the weekend
So swimming got cancelled and I slept in for another hour.
Getting out of bed at seven I wasn’t not in a hurry to do anything
So a leisurely shower, some coffee and I sat reading blogs and deciding
On want order I was going to get stuff done.
Until the power went out!
So nothing needing electricity, like washing and preserving, got done.
I had no choice but to just sit and crochet.
The blanket is coming along slowly
We did get half power back, the lights worked but not anything that needed to be plugged in
So at least I could see what I was doing.
It was pouring rain for most of the day and the emergency app was going off
Floods everywhere yet again. Roads closed due to not only flooding but degradation from all the wild weather
I know I needed to rest. But this was very frustrating
Eventually the power came back on and I was able to good dinner in the oven
Today I did swim but came straight back home to get all the jobs done before my ouchie massage this afternoon
Hopefully the gods are kind to me and I’m able to get it all done.
The bulk of this post was written and supposed to be posted yesterday. But blogger has been giving me the pips
Hopefully it’s back on track today
Technology is great. It it works
Sunday, November 13, 2022
Busy Sunday
Because I had the concert yesterday my lovely art teacher and fellow student agreed to have class today.

We finally finished the painting we started at tides during our exhibition class
I think it looks good with the real greenery outside
Today we also had the girls cheerleading concert
The little girls did so well. But the older girls were amazing
The little girls have wonderful role models to aspire too
After the concert, which was next door to the pool I swim at, we decided to go to a local pub and have a late lunch, early dinner
It’s so much easier being the grandmother, than it was being the mum. But I miss those days.
So it’s lovely to be able to relive this way.
It’s an honour and privilege to be able to go and see the girls at their concerts
Now I’m home. Relaxing before another hectic week
Saturday, November 12, 2022
Concert day
Today my little ballerinas had their end of year concert.
They are growing way too fast
They looked adorable in their costumes
And both reminded me of their mamma many times during the dances
Bring back so many memories

And of course, all ballerinas need flowers at the end of the performance
Luckily grandma has lots of blooms in her back yard.

Tomorrow they have their cheerleading concert.
Tomorrow they have their cheerleading concert.
I’ll have to pick more flowers I think
Thursday, November 10, 2022
The good and the not so good
Yesterday I did a complete service on my sewing machine. It’s been a while since it got a good going over
And it really needed some TLC.
I’m not sure exactly what’s supposed to get oiled so once I cleaned it. I decided that if it moved it got a drop
Now when sewing it doesn’t sound like a squeaky little mouse.
After a new needle and putting it all together I celebrated by sewing the binding on the scrappy covid quilt
After that I took it to knitting and started the hand sewing.
I finished it yesterday afternoon

Mid afternoon I got a call from my masseuses secretary who informed me that all but one set of bowl cosies have sold
And she had an order for two sets that weren’t made from Christmas material or anything cutiesy or childish
So I went off and cut out material and wadding for four more.
They just need to be sewn together turned and top stitched.
I’ll make another four today. I have a massage booked for Tuesday so I need it all done to be taken with me.
More money to spend on craft supplies. Gotta love that.

And that was the good.
Now for the not so good.
I fell asleep on the couch only to wake up with a very itchy arm, with welts and a lip that was starting to swell.
So I quickly took some antihistamines and once I was sure it had started to subside got ready for bed.
Hubby was getting is CPAP machine ready and I heard what sounded like water running He went off to see if the toilet was still running. Which it can sometimes do but it wasn’t the toilet. I heard him swear and go running. So I walked into the bathroom to see water gushing out from the cupboard under the sink. HOT water.
He turned all water off and we opened up the doors and stared emptying the things from under there to see what had happened
All towels, and mops were used to get the water. And we found that this pip had blown.
Hubby got one off at the shed to repair this one and will repair the one at the shed today
It’s lucky we have plumber available for emergencies
It’s lucky we have plumber available for emergencies
Meanwhile I did on load of washing, once water was back on and hung the first load out before six this morning
Second load is now in the machine and will be hung out soon

Needless to say I decided to skip swimming and get things back to how they’re supposed to be
Needless to say I decided to skip swimming and get things back to how they’re supposed to be
Relaxing with a coffee right now but I’ll get stuck in soon
It all needs to be done and dusted as tomorrow is princess Ana day and I won’t be able to get much done.
Life really is a roller coaster
Wednesday, November 9, 2022
Flower power
The sun had finally come out and decided to stay for a few days. So this morning I wandered around admiring
All the blooms.
The roses as usual and proving they are hardy and forgiving

They all have been in the ground so long I can’t remember which is which. But some smell Devine while others just look pretty

This little yellow one was not doing well. But finally it’s starting to take off.

This one had big beautiful flowers but not much aroma

Some snapdragons that have self seeded

The nasturtium is making a lovely living mulch. Although we do need to weed. Again

Sweet pea that just self seeds year after year

They all have been in the ground so long I can’t remember which is which. But some smell Devine while others just look pretty
This little yellow one was not doing well. But finally it’s starting to take off.
This one had big beautiful flowers but not much aroma
Some snapdragons that have self seeded
The nasturtium is making a lovely living mulch. Although we do need to weed. Again
Sweet pea that just self seeds year after year
I hope you enjoy strolling through my garden
Happy blooming hump day
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