Monday, November 18, 2024

Sudden change

Sunday was nothing like Saturday. Woke up to gusty winds and rain. 

We could hear thunder but we didn’t get the storm. Just rain and a drop of temperature 

We went from 34 degrees cel. To 20. And even less toy

Last night I could have sworn I saw Little girl and her dog fly by in a house !

All of this is not ideal for chronic pain 

Apart from basic everyday chores I’m just going to rest. 
I have a little craft project that I’m working on. So that will be my day today 

You will get to see the project once I’m done 

Where ever you are. Do what you have to, to feel happy. 


  1. Sorry the weather turned unfriendly. I know it really affects you. And now I'm curious about your new project.

  2. Same as our weather, more or less. Better today and it has gone UP to 20o.
    At least you have something to keep you busy and inside
