Tuesday, December 4, 2012


this weekend we used some old feed bins to plant our more veggies. My wonderful friend Keith made the stands and cut the bins for me and hubby helped me fill them with potting mix and I planted round zuccines in one and green peppers in the other.
Now I dont have to bend or do any weeding. Great arnt they!
its not a chore now to go out and garden so when the body is achy i can still go out and potter and not feel so useless.
I will be asking for a couple more of these if they are a success
see ya


  1. oh , I love it. :) Hope they do well and grow lots of food. Looks Like I slept too long. I am 2nd follower. But first comment. I looked at the other blogger and she has beautiful kittys.

  2. Great idea and no more bending over. Maa
