Friday, September 29, 2017

The empty nest. Rebooted

Today the son and daughter in law move int their new home 
The nest will become empty again 
But his time although it's sad. I'm not as devastated as I was before. 
I know know, through wisdom gained by experience, that they never really leave. 
It's not the same as having them here all the time, but I think it's much better. 
I see my kids weekly as they both work here. So I'm not crying in my coffee cups lol 
So now that the nest reverts back to hubby and me, I have big plans 
Stay tuned! 
Long weekend here in Melbourne. 
The AFL grand final is tomorrow.  My team didn't make it. So I'm jumping on the other Victorian team Richmond. 
Have a wondrous day where ever you are, stay safe 
See ya xxx


  1. I bet they were excited to finally be in their house. I imagine it feels a little empty there though. I feel as if the walls echo when mine come for a visit and then leave. So - what have you got up your sleeve now?

    1. You will have to wait and see lol lots happening
