Monday, July 16, 2018

Back in civilisation

We have seen many many animals during my time in the outback 
Saw this wallaby outside my van one morning 
Saw lots on the road and lots out bush

So much bird life. Here is a hawk eating the carcass of a queenie fish we had caught and filleted 
We also saw eagles and lots of colourful parrots. 
Plenty of cockies both black and white

Wild brumbies, and cattle. 
Lots of cattle! 

We even saw a dingo, a goanna and lots of snakes 
But mainly we saw crocodiles 
Check out my videos 

I hope they worked! 
We had left that carcass on the bank and this cheeky bugger decided we had left him his dinner 
I was so lucky I was sitting there and was able to film it 
More to come later 
See ya xxx


  1. Only one of the videos worked for me, the crochet leaving after his dinner. You were up close! Hope you didn't see any of those snakes closer than that
