Saturday, February 29, 2020


Last weekend we headed off to the caravan and camping show. 
We went to one a few weeks ago at geelong and we have been doing our research 
We had two vans.  One,the top one, which was called my van. As it had everything I wanted included 
The other one, the next pic, was hubby’s van. It was an off road van and could do the aussie outback. 
Two vans means two lots of insurance, registration and lots of upkeep 

So even though we didn’t think we would do any deals when we trotted off to melbourne 
We saw lots of vans and I was convinced I had it narrowed down to two
A lotus or a JB caravan.  
The sales people at the JB stand were alright. But not really helpful and kinda didn’t want to answer lots of questions. Although I did like their vans 
They just didn’t. Feel like a welcoming happy to help you kind of team. 
Which is very important for after market issues 
We then found the lotus stand and the salesman there was lovely 
He knew to sell his pitch not to the man, but to his wife. Lol 

He asked me lots of questions, he knew what hubby wanted already.  
And narrowed it down to two vans. The same vans but different floor plans 
He told me to go and look at both and decide which I preferred. 

Then we sat down to do a deal. 
Both our our vans would be traded in and some money would be exchanged. 
The amount was what we were ultimately discussing 

It was almost the end of the day 
We were tired, and we wanted to go. 
The wheeling and dealing was taking forever, or so it felt to me.
So hubby wrote a figure on a  piece of paper, with his name and number and said. 
Talk it over with your boss and ring me. 
We then left 
About half an hour later we get the call. They had accepted our offer and congratulated us on our purchase 

So now I’ve cleaned and hubby delivered the top van and today we will clean and deliver the second 
The new van, the last pic hasn’t been built yet. 
I will need to choose my colour scheme and then we wait. 
It’s very exciting to finally have our van lol 

Although it looks like we bought an impulse buy,  we really have been researching for a while 
And in the end,  it was the team of salespeople and their attitude to us that won the final vote 

 Ever underestimate the power of being helpful and respectful to the wife. We really do have a huge say in 
How hubby spends his money lol 
See ya xx

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Got to it eventually

Many times over the last few years. I’ve warmed up something in the microwave and then burnt my 
Hands taking it out. 
I’ve seen those bowl cozy’s on blogs and Pinterest 
And I would often say to myself, I’ll make me some one day 

And then I’d forget
Until the next time I burnt my hands. 

Last night while perusing pinterest, as you do, I saw them and though right 
I’m on it 

So I pulled out my scraps and found the two biggest pieces 
I decided four would be a nice number 
So I cut out four of one and three of the other. 
Oh no. I wanted them to match. But fear not. I had a long piece the of the sane material.  I  just cut them to size and sewed the strips
Together and made a square. 
Crisis averted 

Then there was the wadding. It’s expensive this bamboo stuff so I wasn’t going to cut into my part 
Piece. Not if I could help it. 
So I got my scraps out, because as you know. I don’t throw anything away, 
And started piercing them together. 

This was time consuming. I needed eight squares of ten inches x ten inches 
Not that it mattered. It’s not like I needed them in a terrible hurry 
So while hubby watched a movie in the lounge room I was in my sewing room 
Playing jigsaws 

I finally got my eight pieces and worked out that it was nearly two meters of wadding that I needed 

Priced between $16-$20 a meter that was a huge saving I had just made 
Plus, saving on landfill and using resources to the best of my ability 
Yup. I was pretty proud of myself. Lol 

Now I had all my pieces cut up and ready to assemble 
So this morning I got into it. 
In between doing all my daily chores 
I measured and pinned and cut and viola! 

My first bowl cozy
And it’s reversible. 

Here are the four all finished 
The hardest part was the turning of them right side out 
It would of been a quick little project, except for the patchwork batting. 
But that’s ok 
I had seen the movie a number of times and I could listen to it while I worked lol 
What do you think? 

Now I have to wait for soup season so I can use them lol 
See ya xxx

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Finally feeling better

Happy weekend to you all 
Yesterday was Valentine’s Day and I decided I wanted to go see 
50 shades the musical 
It was on not far from here at frankston and as there were only a few seats left I got a bargain 
Only sixty dollars each and we were in the front row 

Hubby wasn’t that enthusiastic but he had to come with me. It was Valentine’s Day after all lol 

It was really funny but be warned. It’s rude and crude and sexually explicit 
But it is 50 shades of gray 
Oh there are very athletic young men in various stages of undress. 
Guaranteed to give women of a curtain age a hot flush or two lol  

Today has been a day of relaxation and domestic bliss. 
Hubby drove me to spotlight as I wanted to get polyester wadding. 
I’m making little quilts for the local RSPCA and didn’t want to use my expensive bamboo wadding 
I’m hoping this means these little quilts will be more washer friendly 

Lately my machine has been giving me little hiccups and nudges telling me it needed a long overdue service. 
But today, it just flat out refused to work 
So I asked hubby if he could service my poor old Elly. Yes my sewing machines have names lol 

So hubby quickly YouTubed the process and started to take her apart. Oh my. She was full of fluff and lint 
Poor thing. 
She got a good oiling, and I took the opportunity to change the needle and wow. You should see her go now 

This is the first one done 
They are pretty on both sides and the wadding gives it a nice cuddle softness 

I’ve completed finished four here they ready to be delivered 

I’ve started matching colours,  even if they are going to puppies and kittens. They need to be cute lol 

Still lots of squares in my bag 
And I have another plastic bag full. 
I could be here a while lol 

So that was my Valentine’s Day and my relaxing Saturday 
With all this rain and flooding we have had,  I’m thinking tomorrow will be spent very similarly to today 
Or maybe I’ll continue working on my crochet squares 
Who knows
Enjoy the rest of your weekend 
See ya xxx

Monday, February 10, 2020

Changed settings

Sorry guys. I’ve had to enable word verification I have been getting lots of spam 
Comments.   I know it’s a pain but I’ll have to leave it for a few weeks. Hopefully they will
Get sick of it and I can take it back off 
Have a great day 
See ya xx

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Birthday girl

Yesterday we celebrated melodys fouth birthday 

Her actual birthday is on the 13th. But her num and dad had the party this weekend 

Here she is with her mum, sister Brianna and her cousin getting ready to blow out her candles 

She had a piñata but was shy about hitting it.  I guess all the talk about being kind to animals 
Has made an impact  

Brianna had a go with a little help from her dad 
In the end dad had to do it to get all the lollies out 

And this is what we got for her 
What every little girl needs. A unicorn jewellery box 
Filled with jewellery and make up. 
She is such a girlie girl 

She’s growing way too fast 
So we are treasuring every moment we get to spend with her 
Happiest of birthdays to our precious girl 
Grandma and grandpa love you so much