Sunday, October 27, 2024

Gardening day

The sun was shining this morning so it was a get into the garden and get your hands dirty day 

I popped into next door and got two punnets of capsicum seedlings. While hubby was topping up the beds with compost 

Here they all are. Hopefully we get lots of capsicum to enjoy. You can see the snow peas in the back bed 

I pulled out the strawberries weeded the pots added more compost and divided the plants and replanted them 

The should now be happier and grow better 

We weeded around the veggie beds and gave everything a good soak 

Harvested what needed  to be. 
The rhubarb was huge   I have now thinned it. Topped up with compost and watered it well. Should produce lots more as underneath were new growth 

Four mini cabbages. I’ll chop  them up cook them with bacon and  onion then freeze for future use. Obviously we will have some now fresh from the garden 

The snow peas were collected. They have been very productive. I think a few went missing into the harvesters mouth lol. No it wasn’t me. 

I also planted three different kinds of beans   I’ll keep checking to see how many germinate   I usually get a good amount from the ones I plant. All bush varieties so I don’t have to worry about trellises 

And just because here are my roses.  Looking and smelling lovely 

It was a very productive day. 
I’m ready to just sit and just be for a while. This old grey mare is not what she used to be lol 

Thursday, October 24, 2024

A tad chilly

Today, once again, the weather has turned chilly 
It’s windy making it feel even colder 
Rain is forecast for tonight and maybe even tomorrow 

So after all that running around yesterday I’ve decided to rest up 
I finished my cardigan and had no idea what I wanted to do next 

I finally decided to knit socks. Hubby always needs socks and they’re an easy and quick project 

As you can see. I have a lap blanket covering my legs. 
The cold has made them ache 

I think a nice hot casserole for dinner tonight 
I’ll see what I have and create something 

It’s always a surprise when I go into Mrs cropley  mode 

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Unexpected blessings

My daughters mother in law works at a hairdresser salon 
One of her clients said that they had some quilting supplies she wanted to give away 

She instantly thought of me. 

I was at the doctors when the call came so she gave me the lovely lady’s number and address 

I called after I’d finished getting my scripts and we arranged a time to collect 

I was pleasantly surprised at the amount of beautiful material. 

Even though she just wanted to get rid of them I happily gave her some money. 
Still a huge bargain 

Meanwhile hubby is at the farm. We had been discussing having to buy some crushed rock to make a track. But it’s very expensive, especially as we need truckloads 

Yesterday he received a call from a mate who asked if we wanted any crushed rock. His boss just needs somewhere to dump it 

So he right now is receiving all the rock and he is busy spreading it to make a track 

We really have been very blessed by the abundance of the universe. And the wonderful people who think of us 
We are very grateful indeed 

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

I’m still here

Yes I’m still. I’m still stalking your blogs. I just haven’t had much to say 

Life here has been quietly ticking away 

I’ve been trying to slowly spring clean. Doing a little each day. 

Yesterday we had a slight drama. I received an email saying a package had been delivered to my home. 

It hadn’t 

So I jump in the car and drive along my street to see if I could find it. 

I couldn’t 

So onto social media and the call out. 

It  was delivered by a love lady who didn’t even live in my street. So not only did they get the number wrong. They got the name of the street wrong 

Honestly if your going to be a delivery driver I think it’s important that you can read English 

I’m just grateful it was returned to me. Another package that was delivered to the wrong house has never been see since 

Today is going to be another lovely day. I’m just waiting on the washing machine to call out so I can hang out the bedding to dry in the wonderful sunshine 

Mean while I’m between minor catastrophes and housekeeping I’ve continued knitting my cardigan 

Just one more sleeve and it’s done 
The hardest part is trying to measure your own arm. 
Hopefully, once it’s finished, I’ll get to wear it at least once before summer really begins. 

What ever minor or major issues come your way. Do what I do and just keep knitting. 
Definitely cheaper than a breakdown, and you get new clothes 

Friday, October 18, 2024

Melbourne weather

Melbourne has once again lived up to it’s reputation as having the most changeable weather in Australia 

After the beautiful spring day yesterday. It’s dreary and wet today. 

So this morning, after doing all the morning chores, I sat down and listened to my audiobook 

While continuing with my latest knitting project. 
The way this weather is going I might need it sooner than I thought 

At least I don’t have to go out and water. 

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Spring cleaning.

The last few days have been lovely. I’ve had all the doors and windows open 
Clearing all the winter air and bringing in fresh clean spring air 

So with the spring comes the urge to clean. 
Spring cleaning has begun. 
Last night I sprayed the oven with cleaner and this morning I cleaned it. 
The shelves, they were sprayed as well, were put into the dishwasher. 
They come up a treat and you don’t get claw hand trying to clean each bar 

Then I turned my attention to the windows. 
Oh my they were putrid.  Very time the sun shone through I got embarrassed 
At how bad they were. 

I’ve now cleaned the windows and the front of the house 
I’m having a little rest and then I’ll go outside and clean the concrete  before bringing back the table and chairs 

I usually move everything and clean the underneath of the veranda, 
But I don’t think my energy or back will deal with all that   

So I will see if hubby can do it with the pressure washer. 

Once I’ve done all that. I’ll have a long soak in the bath. 
I’m going to need it 

Monday, October 14, 2024

Another week begins

Today is sunny and warm. It actually feels like summer is finally coming 

This morning I went into town to meet up with my swim friends   We drank and chatted, then did a bit of shopping before I came home 

Washing is dry and folded. More has been hung out to dry 

In between checking on dinner I continue to knit 

I’ve put the sleeve stitches on smaller circular needles 

As you can see they are interchangeable. They have little holes that you put a little key into to help tighten the removable ends 

I put a thin stitch marker through that little hole and it holds it all in place. Much better than the stitch holders you can buy 

My little kit it’s got a few different size needles and different lengths of the wire that you place the needles onto 

When the body is finished I just choose a sleeve add the correct size needles and start knitting 
So easy 

I wonder why it hadn’t occurred to me sooner. 
So many dropped stitches could of been avoided 

Oh well. Better late than never I guess 

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Weekend jobs

Saturday hubby worked on getting the gate fixed at the workshop. Our neighbour has CCTV and saw a car go past slowly. So it became a job that couldn’t be put off any longer 

Meanwhile I was home doing exciting stuff like scrubbing bathrooms and toilet. 

Saturday afternoon and into the evening we rested. We can no longer work from sunrise to sunset. 

Today we bought more seedlings, some much bigger and planted them out. 

When we moved the mulch out the way to plant we found the first lot of seedlings. Seems like we had  small frost and that burnt them. The bits under the mulch is still alive.  We have left them to do what they like 

Now inside and watching telly. Resting again. But you know I can’t just sit. So my knitting waits on the couch where I sit 

Every time I sit I knit. 

It’s growing slowly 

The coming week is already looking busy. But in a good way. Catching up with the swim team. 

Looking forward to it 

Friday, October 11, 2024

A little bit this and a little bit of that

Ana was lonely today as her big cousins were back at school

So we did our nails 
She wanted one foot pink and one purple 

Red for her fingers and of course all got a coat of sparkles 

At least she had trixie to play with  

We went outside and visited the  boys at the shed
Saw the cow and checked out how the vegetable garden was going. 

It wasn’t good at all 

All the seedlings I planted have gone   I don’t know exactly what happened but I assume birds had a lovely feast 

So I’ll go and get bigger seedlings and re plant 

In the meantime. I’ve decided to knit myself a cardigan. 

After making hubby three jumpers i figured I deserve it. 

I’m using the same pattern but not knitting in the round and incorporating a boarder 

So that has been all that’s been going on
Life is boring but honestly I prefer it. So much is happening in the world and close to home it’s a blessing to be dull 

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Pretty flowers

Just thought I’d share some of my blossoms with you 

Christmas cacti about to burst 

Some roses 

Pelargonium looking lovely and bright 

My lilac. It’s not looking happy. I’ll have to give it some TLC. Any ideas very welcome 

Irises purple and white 

And even yellow 

My rescue citrus. Not sure what this is but I think I’m
About to find out 

We now know this is lemon 

The weather has been very up and down. One day lovely and sunny. The next cold and wet. 

It’s making all the weeds flourish. And some of my brassicas are bolting 

But we will persevere 

Tuesday, October 8, 2024


Today has been a busy day   Three loads of washing done and hung to dry 

Dinner is prepped ready to cook later 

And fire going because it’s turned cold again. 

While doing all that I sat down and noticed these two sworn enemies sleeping nicely together 

It’s happening more and more. 

I’m just waiting for the other shoe to drop 

I was alerted to a sale Bendigo wool mills were having a sale 

I jumped online and sure enough they were having a sale on some limited edition yarn

So I bought six skeins of each colour 

Isn’t it pretty 

I think I’m right for yarn now. 
Although if they have another sale I might just get some more   You can never have too much 

For all those living in the wild weather areas stay safe 

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Camping with friends

We arrived late last night at the farm. Our friends, who we have been camping with for years met us at the nearest town. 

We have set up near the shed in case of rain so we can at least sit in it out of the weather. 

It’s been lovely and sunny today. But the wind has been pretty bad.  So I came into the van as it was giving me a headache. 

I have started a pair of socks for one of the girls 
Obviously I’m make another two pairs 

The pictures have been added in the wrong order. But the clouds have started to arrive and there is rain coming on the  radar 

We might yet end up in the shed 

Friday, October 4, 2024

Full on day

The girls were all here today. They had so much fun. 
All three had a go at driving the new tractor 
Ana with her daddy

Brianna with uncle Mat. 

And Melody. She was almost driving it on her own 

To make sure I didn’t loose any while taking photos I got them to stand in the back of the Ute 

Grandmas got to do what she’s got to do lol 

They all gone home now. 
We are in the car heading to the farm for the weekend 

I’ve earned this mini break. 

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Biopsy results

A visit to the vets to have her stitches removed and get the results of the biopsy 

It’s all good.  No traces of cancer at all 

It’s a relief and I can finally stop stressing 
She’s all  sleepy from all the excitement. Mummy has been giving her lots of cuddles 

Thank you for all the support. 

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Turn around

Today cannot be any more different to yesterday 
It’s cold, wet and windy 

It’s definitely a stay indoors and knit day today 

Silver Lining. At least the seedlings we planted yesterday will be well and truly watered 

For those being affected by the wild weather. Stay safe 

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Suns out, trowels out

Winter vegetables ate finally growing. Hopefully they won’t bolt 

Summer vegetables are now in. The usual suspects 
Tomatoes, capsicum, zucchini,cucumber and beans 

Once the second area is prepared I’ll plant a second lot so we have a staggered harvest 

Fingers crossed for a bountiful harvest