Saturday, December 28, 2024

The inbetween

We are now in the inbetween Christmas and New Years. 
We totally forgot to put bins out for collection. 

Ana came for a visit while her mummy and daddy went to an appointment
As you can see she was exhausted from the previous days excitement 
As was Trixie. 

Grandma may have had a nana nap as well lol 

Taking things nice and slowly 
Doing  what absolutely needs doing and just resting the rest of the time 

I hope your have a nice inbetween time too 


  1. Post-Christmas exhaustion! Even Trixie! That means it was a good time had by all.

  2. That after party slump. I'm glad you had a nap, too, good idea.

  3. Naps all round sounds perfect. It's a happy but strenuous time of the year. And is that one of Grandma's crocheted blankets?

    1. Yes it is. She fell asleep right under the aircon vent so I covered her They all love it as it’s pink

  4. Lots of napping seems essential around here. Workshop time has only been achieving little fiddly jobs (like fixing pot handles and lids, sticking down curling lino, and rearranging cupboard contents).

  5. Enjoy these last days of 2024 and all good wishes for the coming New Year.

    All the best Jan
