Friday, February 28, 2025

Day one

I’ve woken up. Showered and now playing on my devices. 

There is only one other awake and she has gone walking 
I’m not lol 

Deb and I got here just after nine. I met all the ladies but I cannot remember them right now. I’m sure by the end of the day I’ll remember at least a few 

They are all very nice and welcoming 

This is the downstairs. It’s very nicely set up 
My bedroom is the closed door I’m sharing with Deb. 

She had a very long day yesterday and will probably sleep in 

Another of the ladies is now up. Sharon. I’m partners with her for Saturday nights dinner. 

Slowly they’re all waking up. Definitely time for coffee. I’ll pop the kettle on 

Thursday, February 27, 2025


Tonight I fly the coup and go on a crafting weekend with nine other ladies 

I only know the one. She’s the organiser. She will be picking me up around eight tonight 

I’ve also got food.  We are all rosted on for meals. My partner, whom I don’t know, has volunteered to do but all tne ingredients for our meal. 
I’ve been consigned to papadums, we are having an Indian chicken dish, biscuits ( cookies) to have with coffee, and lollies (candy). 

This all has to fit in her car. Fingers crossed 

We all had to make,or buy something simple. They will be put into bags and we each get one as a gift bag. 
I can’t wait to see what everyone has come up with 

I’m taking my sock knitting box, everything I need is in that. 
A bag of acrylic yarn. So if I fancy I’ll make more Izzy dolls

And of course the current cardigan I’m working on 

But if none of these interests me. I prepared some stitching 

I cannot tell you long this pattern has been sitting 
It was mixed in with ones I had already finished so I’m using that as an excuse 

I used my light box and traced the pattern on. The pen is one that vanishes when ironed 

I used the scrap pieces of fabric to draw them on. I’ve also got the iron on stabiliser to help it all stay nice for me to work with 

This is the packet. They turn it into a quilt 
I won’t follow their pattern. I sort it out as I go along I will use it as a guide. 

So I’m packed and ready to go. 
I’ve got hubbys washing up to date 
I’ve got chicken wings left over from last night for his dinner 
And the house is nice and tidy. He really won’t have to do much except feed himself for three days

I hope I enjoy the weekend. I really need to have a nice relaxing break. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

For Breanna

I finished Ana’s cardi. It turned out well I think. 
I like them a bit longer to keep the back warm 

I had the perfect buttons for it. 
I got these at least seven years ago from a craft show in the city. They were selling packets of buttons for only a few dollars. I stocked up. 

I’ve now made a cardigan for the new baby, and Ana. 
Melody took the cardigan I made for myself. It fitted perfectly. 

That means the only one who I haven’t knitted a cardigan for is Breanna. 

I’ve now started one for her. 
The same pattern as I used for Ana’s, except I’ve cast on double the amount of stitches 

I do have more of the yarn I used for Ana’s   But I wasn’t sure it would be enough. I search my stash for something that that would match and found this pretty orange yarn. 

I’ll knit the yoke in this and the switch to the other yarn when I separate the sleeves. 
If I don’t have enough to knit it long enough I’ve got more of this. 

I just hope it looks nice. It might be a tad big. But it will be snuggly warm and she will grow into it 

No harvesting as yet today. I met the girls for coffee 
I woke this morning with my back feeling a tad tender. I think a day of rest is needed. 

Monday, February 24, 2025

Day two

Harvesting and clearing continued this morning 

More tiny tomatoes. Three eggplants, silver beet and beetroot greens 

Big tomatoes 
Onions, leeks and a couple of large zucchini 

I also found some large cucumbers. These were chopped up and feed to the stock. The steer particularly likes the zucchini 

I decided to cook up most of the produce as it takes up less room in the freezer 
There were way too many ingredients to use in my large pan. 
So the little tomatoes and two of the eggplants were just put into a bag to freeze 

This is really nice to use in spaghetti sauce 

The rest was cooked down and they filled these four containers. A perfect portion size for use in the slow cooker 

It’s now one in the afternoon. The kitchen is clean and I’m exhausted. 

Now for more knitting and Vikings. 

I should have the cardigan finished in a little while. Only half a sleeve to go 

Sunday, February 23, 2025


Harvesting has begun 
Not like the old days. Where I’d rip everything out and process it all in one day 

The first ones to go are these small wicking beds 
You can it’s been a while since I’ve spent any TLC on them 

I only got around finishing these four. It was hard and hot work pulling plants, and weeds out. As wicking beds have the water in the bottom, the plants grow deep roots 

I’ve filled the wheelbarrow full of the plants and weeds. They will taken out back. The chickens will go through it and eat whatever is left and then it will turn into compost. 

After cleaning and sorting I was left with this 
I also pulled out some leaks and harvested zucchini from the large bed. 

After all the washing chopping and pulling out of stalks. I have all this. 
It’s in the freezer waiting to be used over winter 

I do a lot of slow cooker meals. All i have to do is open packets take out what I need and put it in the slow cooker. Along with meat off the paddock 

Easy peasy 

Now back to knitting. I’m exhausted 

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Another week gone

This week Ana and I raided the button stash 
Ages ago I bought some bags of mixed buttons for just a few dollars. I’ve used up most of the bigger buttons. There are so many little ones 

It was fun picking out the ones she wanted to use 

Her bracelet is all white 

Her necklace is colourfully 
Grandma didn’t have the “proper jewellery string “ so we made do with yarn. He mummy as assured me they have some at home, and she will help Ana to transfer the buttons 

Then it was time to watch some paw patrol 

After finishing the baby cardi. I’ve started one for Ana 
It’s a way more easy pattern and I’ve made quite a few for charity. 

I’m using a thicker yarn on bigger needles so the cast on, although for newborn, was long enough for Ana   All I really needed to do is knit the yoke longer and do an extra increase. I did one row where I increased every ten stitches, not including the boarder. 
It seemed to work. Then I kept knitting until it measured five inches 

I’m now ready, after doing some math, to separate the sleeves from the body 

It’s a short sleeve pattern but I’m going to give her some long sleeves. It will be a warm cardigan for those autumn days, that are right around corner. 

Another busy weekend, we had a wedding last week. 
We have hubbys nephews 21st. 

I look forward to a rest during the week 

Thursday, February 20, 2025


It’s done. 
It’s more purple than the picture. More like the buttons 
I’m very happy it’s done 

It was a struggle. Because of that I’m even happier that it’s finished and it looks pretty 

I’ll be a very proud grandma when it’s worn 

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

A little of this and a Little that

This morning I woke up fed the dogs and cats and got the slow cooker going. Spaghetti sauce. All I’ll have to do is cook the noodles 

Then off I went to meet the girls for coffee. 

While there i also did a grocery shop. Oh my but prices really have skyrocketed. 

I don’t go as often these days and I really did get shock. 

I’m very grateful to be able to grow vegetables, get meat off the paddock and, the most important right now, fresh eggs. 

With all the bird flu eggs are becoming a scarce commodity. They have even put restrictions on how many you can buy 

Once I got home groceries were put away
The washing from yesterday was brought in and folded. The bonus of hanging them under cover means they’re safe overnight and still dry 

After all that I sat down to continue knitting and watching the new, to me, series Vikings 

It’s finally starting to look like a cardigan 
The pattern has it with short sleeves but I am contemplating knitting full length sleeves. 

I’ll decide when I’ve finished the body 

I’m glad i changed the colour and yarn. This colour looks so much nicer. 
I’m also very glad I persisted with the pattern. It’s really pretty. 

I’m so happy to be knitting for a little one once again. I honestly thought those days were behind me. 

Just goes to show you. You really never know what the universe has in store for you 

Monday, February 17, 2025

Fifth times the charm

Well I’m finally past the pattern stage and into the body. 
My brain has been full of fluff and being tired my fibromyalgia has been very bad. 
Hands shaking making it hard to hold the needles

The fibro fog 

Being uncomfortable in my body so I can’t just sit for long 

All added up to not being able to follow the pattern 

Mind you. Watching Bridgerton didn’t help. All those very good looking actors took my concentration away from what I was doing 

But I did not want to quit. 
And now I can continue knitting without the anxiety of having to rip it all out again 

This is for the new grand baby. I’m sure you can guess what we are having now 

Just remember I didn’t tell you. You worked it all out yourself. Because I can keep secrets and I can’t get into trouble 

Wink wink. Nudge nudge say no more 

Whatever you’re doing. Don’t give up. Keep trying and when you finally succeed it’s all the more rewarding 

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Winter is coming

We have been having hot scorching weather lately. But yesterday it was like a switch was flipped and it’s been very cool and wet

Perfect for knitted socks and crochet blankets while sitting on the couch with a hot coffee and the latest project 

I’m liking it very much 

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Life goes on

Today. Beautiful girl was born and made me a grandmother. 
I did not know just how much I would love her   But I do and that love keeps growing. 
Happy 9th birthday Melody. May you have many more 

And now I’m expecting a forth grandchild 
And unexpected but already loved so much baby 

Life goes on. 
The wheel turns bringing the seasons 
The years and new life 
It’s the way it’s supposed to go 

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Pro tip

Do not try to knit a complicated pattern when your tired and emotional 

This is the fourth incarnation of the little cardigan 
The first was green cotton. I blamed the colour for all the mishaps 

Changed colour and the same thing 
Dropping stitches 
Losing my place
Trying to un knit but getting all fuddled as there are a lot of yarn overs 
And finally getting to the part you separate the sleeves 
And finding out you have extra stitches 

14 extra!

But I don’t give up
I frog and start again 
Because I’m a sucker for punishment 

Monday, February 10, 2025

The final goodbye

We had the funeral today to lay my father to rest 
It was sad. I did manage to keep it together 
What was even sadder, was the fact that lots of the oldies
Have already passed. 

The generation before mine is dwindling away 
So many gone. So many not well 
Unfortunately I think the string of funerals is 
Not going to go away 

Enjoy everyday. You just never know

Saturday, February 1, 2025

A long week

I’ve been MIA as this week we have been at the hospital in palliative care 
My father was in lots of pain and it took a few days to get that under control 

On the 30th January. At 4.07 he took his last breath 

Unfortunately it was during the time I had gone home to shower and change 
Only my sister was with him
He wasn’t alone 

He had many Heath issues that caused him 
Lots of pain 

He is at peace now 
Just got to get through this week and I’ll be back