I got the test results back from my hair sample.
No still don’t know what causes the anaphylaxis but I am allergic to a few things that cause me to have digestive issues
I had suspected bread and full cream milk
And sure enough I have an I intolerance to wheat, spelt and milk fat!
So only skinny milk for me from now on and no bread
So I decided to try and make my weight watchers three i ingredients cake mix and cook it over night in my pudding dish
Just like I have in the past only this time I used one cup each of these three flours instead of the self raising flour

This morning after cooking on low for eight hours and high for another two
I got this.
It looks like it supposed too. But it didn’t bind together like wheat flour does
It was eatable but as I’ve cut sugar totally from my diet it was very very sweet
I don’t add sugar but the natural sugars from the dried fruit and the fruit juice drink I soaked them in was more than enough sweetness
So it would be lovely with cream or ice cream alas for me! A no go any longer
This was stuck to the bottom of the pudding pan
And it wasn’t burnt. So I don’t know why it did that.
Maybe I should of waited until it cooled a little first
It did firm a slightly once it did
So not a failure but not a success either
I guess I could experiment with the flours and see what combination works. But as I can’t eat it because it’s just so sweet
I don’t think I’ll bother
I’ll just make one like I usually do and try to enjoy my bowl of berries for Christmas desert
It was fun experimenting
Gotta love it when I channel mrs Cropley
At least this isn’t a total disaster
See ya xxx