Sunday, September 5, 2021

New beginnings

Went out to check out the garden this morning and there are buds bursting to life everywhere 
These are my grapevines that I grew from cuttings last year. 
Looking lovely 

Hubby made me my first wicking bed 
I’ve got four more of these barrels so there are more coming 
I’ve planted bush beans to hopefully get an early harvest 
Fingers crossed they take off 

Finished the two pram blankets for the charity box 
Using up all my odds and ends feels good. I don’t like waste 
And I’m sure someone will like them 

It’s Father’s Day today 
So to all the dads enjoy your special day 

Stay safe and well 
See ya 


  1. We had to go and goggle wicking beds. We kind of do it in the garden here where F buried 2litre plastic bottles neck down with their bottom cut off so that she can deliver water under the soil to stop the sun taking it all away and to make plant roots reach DOWN for water rather than respond to surface watering and get dried out too easily. What other things do you grow in them? Well done on your grape cuttings - the est or make dome wine?

    1. Hopefully the vines grow and we get to eat some home grown grapes
      You can grow pretty much anything I plan on planting tomatoes zucchini’s cucumbers and anything else I can think of once I have them all in
      Anyway you can save watering a garden during a hot summer is a good idea

  2. We have Father day in June and it hard to grow grapes here in Idaho. I'm 48 degree North.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  3. Happy Fathers Day.
    Here in the UK we celebrated ours in June.

    All the best Jan
