Tuesday, January 21, 2025

A Quickie

I’m not sure what I want to make right now. 
But I do need something to keep me busy and out of the kitchen. 

It’s too hot to be outside, so no joy there. 
I decided to knit a pair of socks 

One day it will be cold again and they will be needed to keep my tootsies warm 

Hopefully by the time I’m done a project will present itself 


  1. For some people socks are a major project. For you, it's what you make while you're thinking what to make,!

  2. I'm envious. You're so productive. Lovely knitting projects and it's mid summer! I'm still making granny squares. No inspiration at all.

  3. I can't imagine being motivated to knit socks because the weather is hot. We finally got some sunshine yesterday and I finally got motivated to weed the vegetables plots.
