Monday, January 6, 2025

Done and dusted

All I have to do is put the vacuum away. Take the wreath off the front door and Christmas 24-25 is over 

I have eleven months to rest before it begins again 

The house is looking very bare now. And so big! 


  1. Good job. The wicked witch of the west won't be coming to your house to rip the decor down . She might be coming to ours though. Only the tree is left but it's Blessing of the Waters day and we will be going down to the harbour .
    It does look so big and empty. Easier to clean in that summer heat I imagined

    1. The blessing occurred this morning. So I was a good Greek girl and pulled it down after that
      Absolutely easier to clean

  2. Big and empty is lovely! I wonder if you'll start filling it up again before next Christmas?

  3. A trick to make the house look big - fill it up, then empty it out again.
