Saturday, January 18, 2025

Slow start

This morning hubby and I had a big sleep in 
We probably would of slept even longer but a phone call woke us up 

First week back at work and the place was rammed with vehicles. Hubby worked late every day! 
Except yesterday, he came over to spend some time with the girls 

Here they are feeding Dobby the donkey. He actually comes running now. Which is quiet funny to see 

The bucket I use to bring the feed was more fun for the two littlest 

These two are a cracker together. They get on so well. 
They’re definitely going to keep us all on our toes lol 

I asked them to pose so I could take a photo 

We let the chickens out. Now that Pendles has gone to the great chicken coop in the sky, I’m not so anxious when we go out back. 
Pendles would of seriously hurt the girls if he had decided to protect his girls 

The girls asked if they could go and pick all the red tomatoes. They’re definitely free range children foraging for their food 

Melody found a huge zucchini. Which was fed to the steer. 

Brianna said she didn’t like tomatoes but liked picking them 

And little Ana found lots of strawberries which both she and Brianna harvested. 

Not many made it into the kitchen 

By the end of the day. When all the girls went home grandma was happily exhausted 

It will be a while now before the three will be together on a Friday as the two older girls go back to school 
Ana will miss them 


  1. So many fun things to do at Grandma's place!

  2. They must love visiting you. Donkeys, picking your own food, feeding animals, playing around chickens, great days.

  3. I don't want about donkeys. I love there bray.
    Coffee is on.

  4. And not a screen in sight. Well done, Grandma

  5. Some happy memories made at Grandma's house.

  6. Nowhere else do they have so much fun!! You remind me of my own grandmother who took us blackberrying and mushroom picking. Not quite the same but happy times outside. Mind you, your girls paint their nails and do girlie stuff. They'll remember these days forever. A special Grandma time
