Tuesday, March 18, 2025


Today was clean and organise the linen press 
I saw a lady on the web fold her sheets and Doonas then place them into one of the pillowcases. 
Each bundle is one set of sheets or doona sets 

Once I had re organised the linen I had a spare shelf. 
Perfect for storing quilts and blankets I’ve made 

I still have the top shelf to attack but I ran out of puff so I might do that tomorrow 

I’m definitely nesting. Making the nest clean and organised ready for me to hibernate during winter 

Meanwhile trixie had an appointment at the vet. 
She had an infected tooth which didn’t go away with antibiotics. So it was removed today. 

She didn’t talk to me when she first came home. 
Even though it was hubby that took her and picked her up. Obviously I was in the bad book for allowing him to take her 

Hopefully she won’t need to see the vet again for a long time 


  1. I had to ask Google what "doona" means. Now I know! Poor Trixie -- I hope she feels better soon.

  2. Poor sad dog! She'll be better soon.

  3. Putting the duvets, or doonas, in pillowcases is a great idea. It's a long time since I've heard doona. Very Australian ☺️
    Poor Trixie. Hope she wakes up in a better mood.
