Saturday, March 22, 2025


My irises that were ordered months ago have arrived 
The lovely lady did say that she dug them up in march so I wasn’t expecting them any time soon 

But having forgotten all about them I received and email telling me they were on their way 

They were packed nicely with shredded paper to keep the safe 

Also included a copy of my order and some pamphlets 
Advising even more varieties of irises 

I weeded a patch of the garden I wanted to plant them in and just put them everywhere not caring what colours were where 

They’re protected by the mulberry trees and a couple of other trees. I can’t remember their names.  But next spring after giving the trees a good pruning they will get lots of sunlight 

I’ve watered them all in and im exhausted 
That was hard work. Especially as I’m pretty unfit 

I just hope they all survive 


  1. They are going to give a brilliant show. What a great idea. Well worth all that hard work

  2. My favorite flowers. I hope they do well for you. Some bug (I suspect slugs) ate all the rhizomes of mine in my last garden.😒

    1. That’s terrible. I would be very upset if that happened.

  3. I adore irises! I hope they all bloom for you.

  4. I love irises but my ground cover has grown over them so they don't bloom. I don't have the strength now to lift them and separate, oh well.
