Wednesday, October 21, 2015


Well really it's only 2.42am. But I have been up since midnight. Cannot sleep. Pain levels are high. Had a big day of walking and talking and visiting. 
So now paying for it 
And you know it compounds because later I will be so tired I'll have to fight falling asleep on the couch. 
So how do you cope with not sleeping? 
It's just something I now live with. 
I've moved out of bed so I don't disturb hubby with my tossing and turning. And will attempt to sleep on the couch now. Plus his snoring is really loud! 
Oh well. I'll give it another try. 
Sleep well. I know I hope too xx
See ya


  1. Try a little nana nap during the mornng Angela - that might just take the edge of it

  2. Hope you were able to get a little sleep Angela!

  3. All of my friends have this trouble too Angela, it seems to be our age and lady hormones. I am lucky and am not affected often, in fact I can usually sleep pretty easily. I hope that you get some rest soon.

    Julie and Poppy Q
