Saturday, July 13, 2024


Today I’m not doing much at all 

Had art this morning. Work in our project is continuing nicely. I don’t think it’s going to take anywhere as long to finish as the giants causeway. I guess we will see

Meanwhile hubby cleaned the birdcages and had bought more dowel to replace and add extra perches 

You can see the new ones  are nice bright and straight 
The old perch was bent like a banana. Claws and beaks were sharpened on it 

It’s currently raining outside so I’m set up on the couch continuing with my crochet 

I think the colours work well together 

I’ll show you a progress shot once the pattern has been completed once. 


  1. Happy birds. And handy husband!
    More rain for you. More heat for us. Roll on September

    1. September is usually really windy. Since the climate seems to have gone to extremes I’m a tad worried.
      It’s been a dryer than normal winter so far. So the rain is very welcomed
      Hope you get some relief from the heat soon

  2. Lucky birds! Your crochet is coming along nicely!

  3. Looking forward to seeing your crochet. It's been raining here for a few days so I am keeping busy inside in the warm house.

    1. Today is an inside day. There is plenty in here to keep us busy

  4. The crochet looks so accomplished. I don't think you've posted about your birds other than chickens. Please do!
