Friday, July 12, 2024

Utter chaos

All three girls were here again today 
Usually they start off quietly as they really don’t get to spend lots of time together. But now they’re all great friends and the chaos ensues right from the start 

Here they are all dressing up and doing fashion show 

Melody was MC and tried to keep it all running smoothly 

She even had a red carpet. 

They played, read books and played with Trixie 

The carnage spilled out the toy room down the hall all the way to the lounge 

The two older girls have gone home 
Ana is playing with grandpa 

The toy room is back to normal with everything in it’s proper tubs or boxes 

Grandma has earned her drink tonight lol
I love it when they’re all here. Playing, building relationships and creating memories to share later in life once I’m gone 


  1. Carnage all right lol They obviously had a whale of a time. Hope Trixie did too. Isn't it just so wonderful to see them all together...... Lucky Granma and Granpa

    1. They all get on so well. I remember going to my grandmas at school holidays and my cousins would be there too. We had so much fun

  2. Replies
    1. Melody was telling the girls when to walk and when to stop for photos. It was hilarious

  3. My goodness that IS carnage. There is an IKEA ad on TV here that portrays scenes not unlike that - the slogan being 'rebel in the comfort of a home'.

    1. It was amazing how far and wide it was all scattered. But within ten minutes after they left it was all packed away. We don’t have lots of toys but what we do have is packed into tubs so I said I’d rather pack it away myself and make sure no puzzle pieces were missing.

  4. This post only just showed up for me. I missed a party! What great times they have at your house.
