Here I Aussie land the first of July it's the first day of the new financial year. In th next few weeks bookkeepers and accountants will be busy collating and organising tax returns for all. In years gone past I would be now in the office madly trying to get it all done and take all my reports and papers to the accountant to get our financials into the tax office.
It was such a stressful time for me I would always break out in hives!
Thanks the gods that's all over. We now have a full time office girl, that's my baby girl. A book keeper who comes in once a month to get the bass statement organised for the GST and a wonderful accountant who handles the rest. Combined with a financial advisor who is making sure we will have enough to retire on, I don't really need to worry.
It now takes four people to do what I did all the while, I also looked after the property, the house and raise the kids!
No wonder I have CFS. I really needed the break!
But any who that's all in the past and we really have no money worries now. We alway have enough for what we need, and sometimes for those little things we want
On other news last night while my fierce dogs slept on the back porch something got into my chickens and we lost one.
I heard the chooks go off as they are outside my bedroom window and hubby went outside to see what was going on.
After almost tripping over the sleeping dogs he found one dead. What ever had it couldn't get away with it. After that the dogs were back on duty and I heard teddy barking and growling so what ever it was was trying to get back but this time the dogs were awake and on the look out.
I hope it stays away. This weekend we will make sure the wire goes back around the rose garden and the chooks come back close to were the dogs sleep.
It's very cold today here so stay warm all I'm typing this under a blanket as the poor fire is trying really and to warm the place up but not quite getting there. Although it is considerably warmer inside that outside
See ya