Tuesday, January 3, 2017

New year new garden

So this is the garden so far 
The pot is planted with two flamingos 
And the garden has a bird bath, an arch to give it height and some solar light trees. 
Yup. I'm a bit addicted to those 
All the plants are low bushes or ground covers 
And I've also thrown in some seeds and I saved some bulbs. So I guess we will see what will survive. 
I'm happy with it. It looks colourful and pretty and at night it's lit by the solar trees. 
It will let the winter sun in and that's the best of all 
It's still a work in progress. But I'm happy 
See ya 


  1. Cool! I really like that! Makes me wish it was spring. Sigh ...

  2. Looking good Angela, the video shows your new garden beautifully. I'm partial to flamingos and yours look beaut in their planter.
    I love how you've featured the bird bath under the arch. Those plants as well as the seeds will grow in no time and bulbs always pop up beautifully. It will all give quite a show and that winter sun is so nice isn't it.
    The solar lights in the trees would be very pretty at night.
    Cheers now :D)

  3. The garden is looking fantastic Angela, you have done well!

    Loved the video :)


  4. I have a pink flamingo just like that! I love 'things' in the garden with the flowers. Hope you get good growing weather, a bit f rain. Your garden is going to look terrific.

  5. Can't wait to see it when I get home! I hear it's suppose to be a lovely 30c!! I hope so cause I need to thaw out these old frozen bones!!! Xx

  6. I wish we were having that kind of winter! We're under a state emergency out here in Idaho (US). I'm sooooo jealous of your garden.
