Wednesday, March 20, 2024


The equinox has arrived and the weather has changed. 
It’s cool and it’s starting to rain. 

The mornings are dark until much later 
And the evenings are not as long 

Soon we I’ll be heading into the darkness
A time of rest and reflection 

A blessed mabon to you all. And to our brothers and sisters in the north 
Blessed ostara   May your coming harvests be bountiful 


  1. Rest and reflection is what we all need right now, I think. Hugs to you.

  2. I sometime can't wrap my head around our season is off by six months.

  3. A good season of rest and reflection for you and your family.

  4. Happy Mabon to you. Happy Ostara to us. They're both welcome times of the year. The end of a hot summer, usually, for you and a bit more warmth to us.
    Both favourite times of the year. I saw my first wild anenomes yesterday. No red poppies yet

  5. The year turns..we have a cold snap coming up, but the plants and birds believe in Spring
