Friday, March 8, 2024

The end of the week

It’s been a long week. And  not a great one.  But Ana was here today and gladden us all. 

She had fun in the office today. Making drawings 

And sticking them on grandpas desk for him to enjoy 

She is such a chatter box. And if she can’t see me will yell at the top of her voice. “ Grandma where are you?”

Hubby took the vet bill and the price of a replacement alpaca to the owners of the dog. 

They were very apologetic and upset. And said they would pay it all. 
I guess that’s nice. But the trauma just was too much. I’ve been feeling horrible since and especially after having to see him put to sleep. 

Hubby told them. If he ever saw the dog out in the streets again. He’ll be ringing the ranger. There way too many animals around to allow that to happen again 

Extreme heat has been predicted for our long weekend. 

Please keep us in your prayers. The danger of catastrophic fires are very very high 


  1. That's good that the dog owners will pay up....but need to watch their dog better.
    Hope you don't get fires.

  2. Another happy Ana day! Cute as ever.
    Good on you for confronting the dog owner and good on them for accepting responsibility

  3. I'm glad the owners are coming through. And yes, any loose running dog, no matter whose, report. They're loose cannons round livestock.
    Ana really improved the mood. Those dear little arms! She's lovely.

  4. Let's hope the dog owners actually pay up. Talk is cheap.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Thank you all. It’s not about the money. Honestly. I just hope they learn to lock their dog in and this horrible experience is never repeated.
    Unfortunately sometimes unless it hits someone’s hip pocket they don’t actually learn
