Friday, August 30, 2024

Friday fun

First we made apple tea cake 

Adding the apples on top 

While it was cooking we went out to fly a kite 

Daddy had to help 

Saying hello to the stock 

Watering the plants 

And finally falling asleep in grandmas arms 

It was an action packed day 

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Rest day

Today apart from general housekeeping I’m going to rest 

I’ve been  outside to check on damage from the storms 
And thankfully there isn’t any. 

Some pots tipped over but the plants are ok 
The plastic watering can and Ana’s little tin one had been blown across the front of the house 
That’s pretty much it 

I only have dinner to organise, roast lamb and vegetables. 

And continue to work on my knitting 

Hubby asked for a second jumper as he loves the first. 
It really is very warm. 

 Using my notes so hopefully it fits just as well 
The only thing is I’ll make it longer.  To keep his back warmer. The first one finished at the top of his pants 

He says he’s had many positive comments about it 
Which is nice 

More storms are expected this afternoon 
Hopefully not as bad as we have had 

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Job done

Today I finished the decluttering, is that a word? 
And I now have seven bags for donation 

The gale force winds are still here and are supposed to continue for a while yet 

Definitely not the kind of weather to go outside 

So I’ll find another job to do inside for tomorrow 

I now need a rest.  I’m getting old me thinks 

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Spring cleaning

Even though the weather is still dreadful i decided I definitely needed to clear out my closet 

I had three piles 
One to go back into the closet 
The second was clothes that I wouldn’t be wearing 
Much over summer. They went into the closet in the spare room
The third was for donation 

We know a few families doing it tough. So we hand over our extra clothes to them 

Two and a half bags. Not too bad 

Now I have to tackle the drawers 
I’m going to be brutal doing those 

Well I plan too 

Monday, August 26, 2024

Mother Nature gone wild

Today the sun is shining and there is a lovely breeze 

Yesterday was very different 
We started the day a beautiful sun shine day with a top of 23 degrees Celsius 

The it turned 
Gale  force winds 
Parts of Melbourne had hail golf ball sized 
The western suburbs has a mini tornado. Weather watches posted on Facebook. 

Torrential rain
Thunder and lightning 

Then to cap it all off a small earthquake right here in Cranbourne 

It was a wild ride. 
So mother Nat had a dummy spit and now it seems she has got to it all out of her system 

Waking up today. You wouldn’t even know 

I wonder what she’s got in store for us next!

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Spring is coming

You can feel it coming 
The days are noticeably longer now 
The sunshine is stronger 
And the anticipation of the coming harvests is definitely here 

Hubby weeded the front gardens. He did an awesome job 

Bulbs are starting to really appear now I think this is a type of tulip 

Daffodil that was planted years ago. It still manages to appear. Although in years past it was cut down by someone with the whipper snipper. Not mentioning names 

Pretty little bell flowers. I cannot remember their name. If you know please let me know in the comments. My mind has gone bye bye 

Plumb trees budding 

Apricot blossoms 

Rosemary going gang buster. I keep having to chop it back so we can get in the gate 

One of the citrus trees we rescued. 
I’ll finally find out what it is 

The vegetables are finally starting to grow. It’s been so cold they have just gone to sleep I think 

Potatoes coming along nicely 

And for cuteness here is Ana helping to water the pots yesterday 

Here she is with her best buddy watching bluey 

This week I left the house every day. Which was nice but tiring 
The sun is shining right now but storms are predicted 
So hubby is currently mowing while he can 

Where ever you are. Whatever the weather enjoy the weekend and stay safe 

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Mushroom homes

I’ve finally finished. 
I had lost my mojo there for a while and just left it. 
Finished it last night while watching telly with hubby 

A busy morning running around 
Caught up with a couple of friends I hadn’t seen for ages 

Lost my phone. Then found it 

And it’s not even lunchtime yet 

Hope your having a much less stressful day 

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Hello again

I’ve been quite for a while because there was nothing I wanted to actually say 
Life has been busier than normal. Which is great for my mental health but I’ve 
Been just too tired to sit and write. 

So this is the weekly summery

The sun was out most of the week and we even went days without having to turn the heating on 
I went out for coffee twice this week 
Visited the girls school for grandparents and special person day 
And of course had my usual Ana Friday 

These pictures are from my baby girl.  The girls dressed for book week 

Little red riding hood and our ravenclaw witch.  
Don’t they look adorable 

Nail salon day for Anastasia 
Pink for her fingers 

And green for her toes. Summer is coming and you have to have lovely feet 

Relaxing having her fruit for morning snack 

It’s been a long cold winter and those of us who are prone to it are suffering 
SAD. Seasonal affected depression 

The cure is sunshine and we got lots this week. I just went out and revelled 
In it. 

Hopefully I’ll be back to regular posting. 

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Sunshine Saturday

Today the sun is shining. And it’s not the weak winter sun. This one has a bit of warmth 

My zygotes are starting to flower. I got this one last year 

I’ve accumulated a few since that first one. 
They’re kinda addictive and I might need an intervention lol 

Bulbs are starting to come up 

My irises. Hopefully soon the flower spikes will develop and I get lots of flowers 

The mulberries are a tad confused. One is well and truly awake. But the two behind are still dormant 

Camellias. They all seem to take turns flowering 

Daffodils lots of daffodils 

The potatoes are finally starting to come up.  A Few are breaking through the mulch 

The roses are budding and bursting into new growth 
I’m going to make some home made organic white oil and spray the aphids. 

The fountain is green. The pump died years ago 
So now it’s just an ornament. 
I’ve cleaned it before and the green just comes back. I’ll wait until summer when it isn’t full of water and clean it again. 

The girls, and one boy, are busy scratching away. Hubby is out back cutting more firewood. We have gone through the last batch. It’s been that cold 
They all rush to get the worms after he has moved the big logs 

The hydraulic splitter is so much easier than swinging an axe. He’s busy filling those crates 

The ducks have returned. That definitely means spring is on its way 

And finally my magnolia is blooming 

I love its dark pink/purple colour 

Between lots of Ana cuddles, the sunshine and art this morning I’m feeling much better. 

Thank you all for your lovely comments 
Yes winter is long and by the end of it we all feel like the summer will never arrive. 

But it always does 

Friday, August 9, 2024


Trixie knows when the toys come out Ana is coming. She waits patiently for her to arrive 

Nail salon. Today she picked yellow. Must be missing the summer sun like her grandma 

Hiding amongst the soft toys she called out and I had to find her 

Drawing with chalk on the concrete. Grandpa came over and helped 

Grandpa decided to start weeding 

So Ana helped by watering the pots 

Ana is still running around with lots of energy. Grandma is exhausted. But happy