Thursday, August 29, 2024

Rest day

Today apart from general housekeeping I’m going to rest 

I’ve been  outside to check on damage from the storms 
And thankfully there isn’t any. 

Some pots tipped over but the plants are ok 
The plastic watering can and Ana’s little tin one had been blown across the front of the house 
That’s pretty much it 

I only have dinner to organise, roast lamb and vegetables. 

And continue to work on my knitting 

Hubby asked for a second jumper as he loves the first. 
It really is very warm. 

 Using my notes so hopefully it fits just as well 
The only thing is I’ll make it longer.  To keep his back warmer. The first one finished at the top of his pants 

He says he’s had many positive comments about it 
Which is nice 

More storms are expected this afternoon 
Hopefully not as bad as we have had 


  1. The reward for doing a good job -- do it again!

  2. Lucky there was no damage and not a load of cleanup for you.
    You're a great jersey knitter!

  3. Hubby gets comments when he wears his handknitted jumpers. We had horrendous winds and a few trees down but no damage near us.
