Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Spring cleaning

Even though the weather is still dreadful i decided I definitely needed to clear out my closet 

I had three piles 
One to go back into the closet 
The second was clothes that I wouldn’t be wearing 
Much over summer. They went into the closet in the spare room
The third was for donation 

We know a few families doing it tough. So we hand over our extra clothes to them 

Two and a half bags. Not too bad 

Now I have to tackle the drawers 
I’m going to be brutal doing those 

Well I plan too 


  1. Great winnowing there. I hope the drawers go well, too.

  2. Feels good to sort and cull, doesn't it!

  3. Good for you. At long last we have big bins for recycling clothes and shoes...instead of them going in the rubbish. I'm happy to get rid of clothes because theyre all too big.
    You must be feeling lighter culling you cupboards. It's a great feeling to be free of more things
