Saturday, August 24, 2024

Spring is coming

You can feel it coming 
The days are noticeably longer now 
The sunshine is stronger 
And the anticipation of the coming harvests is definitely here 

Hubby weeded the front gardens. He did an awesome job 

Bulbs are starting to really appear now I think this is a type of tulip 

Daffodil that was planted years ago. It still manages to appear. Although in years past it was cut down by someone with the whipper snipper. Not mentioning names 

Pretty little bell flowers. I cannot remember their name. If you know please let me know in the comments. My mind has gone bye bye 

Plumb trees budding 

Apricot blossoms 

Rosemary going gang buster. I keep having to chop it back so we can get in the gate 

One of the citrus trees we rescued. 
I’ll finally find out what it is 

The vegetables are finally starting to grow. It’s been so cold they have just gone to sleep I think 

Potatoes coming along nicely 

And for cuteness here is Ana helping to water the pots yesterday 

Here she is with her best buddy watching bluey 

This week I left the house every day. Which was nice but tiring 
The sun is shining right now but storms are predicted 
So hubby is currently mowing while he can 

Where ever you are. Whatever the weather enjoy the weekend and stay safe 


  1. You're really into spring now! Lovely.

  2. Such a relief to see everything growing again!

  3. Such a relief to see everything growing again!

  4. Everything in your garden, including Ana, is flourishing. And you're out and about too. Woohoo

  5. Ooo that's a strong reminder that we really are at the end of summer. I have been trying to ignore that development but the growing piles of leaves that have blown off the lime trees is telling me otherwise.

  6. Ahh... as you head into Spring, we are headed into autumn and are starting to feel it. I love spring bulbs popping up - always a welcome splash of colour. I think your little bell flowers are a type of squill.

  7. The leaves just starting to turn color.
